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Posts posted by Archaios

  1. Seconded!

    I'm colourblind, didn't even know there was a marker for the player until about 200 hours in when the light conditions in game were perfect to contrast it. 

    In fact, a menu to change the colours of various UI text and markers would be awesome. Can't see player names at all on sunny days, can't see interact text against the sea in certain conditions etc. Would be a good addition.

  2. As I logged on today I had a new issue with my character that I've not had before.

    Everything was working fine, I was able to interact with objects and animals without issue, but after about ten minutes, I tried to open a door in my company's base and was unable to do so. I went across my base to a safe spot and tried to relog as that sometimes fixes it. When I logged back in, my character was in the water, about 50m from where I logged out. Afterwards, my glider suit was glitched and activated whenever space or shift was pressed, even when on the ground or underwater. I couldn't interact with any objects or animals, yet I could see other players doing so without issue and I could pull up radial menus on things. Other people were unable to see my character as well.

    I relogged a few times, every time I reappeared in the same spot. I could access my own inventory and equip or unequip items. Drowning was impossible as I didn't seem to consume oxygen underwater. I thought maybe it was a connection problem and everything I was seeing was client side and that was why my character kept respawning in the same spot regardless of where I logged out, but when I changed what I had equipped, those changes persisted when I relogged. Same spot, but with my equipment changes. I could open the chatbox but was unable to see any global or local chat, or hear voice.

    I managed to get my character to die eventually through stamina, my corpse and items nowhere to be found obviously. Now I have an issue of items randomly disappearing. So far, a bed has completely disappeared from my company for a few minutes, until it was inexplicably back again, my storage boxes appear to have a mind of their own and be there some times I look and not at others. I don't just mean graphically not there, either, as in functionally not there and can walk through where they should be. The bed did not show on the fast travel / respawn screen while it was acting up, either. Still can't ride or interact with animals but at least I can open boxes now, when they're there.

    Anyone else having this issue?

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