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Jack Racham

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Posts posted by Jack Racham

  1. You clearly have no idea what your talking about. You aren't able to do anything to prevent them from keeping you there. Once they got you knocked out you are fucked. There is no way for you to drain your stamina (which would cause food and water to deplete) because you are handcuffed, overweight and put in a gibbot or some other torture device. There is no way to open your inventory (due to handcuffs). There is no way you can "eat poop and die after 5 mins" (because you can't open your inventory). There is no way to escape on your own. 


    Edit: and since they can put you in an area that has 15 hours of peace time remaining no one else can do it either.

  2. Hey.

    You guys should do something about people knocking someone out and keeping them in cages for hours... You can't do anything about it.. They just slap handcuffs on, overweight you and whenever you're low on hp they just knock you out again and give you food water. They don't even have to do it often cause if they put you in a gibbot your food and water will last for ages. If i'm not mistaken some tribe leader on Ark was taken for a hostage for about a week or so and it excalated to a point where the dev team needed intervene. Which is why its such a surprise that this game has the same funcions implemented...


    At least I can enjoy some of their beautifull non sexist art - https://prnt.sc/qlosw4

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