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Posts posted by Getodacul

  1. I honestly thing that they are working very hard to ruin this game , it is like they are experimenting with how much can you eff up with your playerbase until they all decide to give up on you and never come back! 

    Why the heck won't you work on fixing grid lag instead increase the bloody mats requirements on everything that is to be crafted?!?!?!  I'm now in maintenance mode because playing on my grid is near damn impossible when there's more that 40 people online! 

    Haven't you learned anything from Ark?!??!?! If not then you must be the most ret.......forgetful Dev team in the world!!!

    I an sick and tired of you working so damn hard to ruin this game which could be amazing if you'd spend the time working on fixing broken stuff like Alphas clipping through walls, characters clipping though walls and floors, AoE damage of cobras that are biting you regardless of  where the head is pointing and the eternal LAG issues that is ruining the game for so many people!!!



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