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Posts posted by Vies

  1. Is this the way PvE servers run? My friends and I picked PvE. I played a while back and recently got a group to play. Sadly the map is much smaller than it was back in the day (lived on M5) and almost every island we found is very built up upon. We haven't had any luck placing a warehouse at all. 

  2. I find it disturbing that this topic is so hot and I have yet to see an single legit dev response other than a "we are looking into something" and then just to quietly include a reduced cost fix, for an update that could take who knows how long to come out. I find it seriously disrespectful to the player base.

    I usually find livestreams very enjoyable, but that first one just rubbed me the wrong way. Jatheish, you never once look at the camera, at your audience, and the other guy in the black hat... I felt like shoving bamboo up my fingernails listening to him. It is rare to listen to someone talk that much without saying anything. It felt like it was double speech, using big words to say in no main way, what should of taken 5 minutes. Then to ignore chat an not addressing ANY of their embarrassing issues the just had with the "breach". When chat was going crazy. Seriously, just say, "we are looking into things and will get back to you." Anything. I let it pass. I thought that it was just their first stream, it will get better.

    Then the FOY. I need not say any more. Nothing like having a sweet debuff, being penalized for plaything the game. You may say, "just go to the FOY". Well I did, and roll backs happened. I just can't bring myself to go a third time. Not so soon.

    Now this. It is simple. Everyone is making GREAT points, and we just get the silent "reduced" cost. Seriously, if I am to get plowed, buy me dinner first. Just revert the damn change, admit you tried something that was better on paper than deployment, and gain some of the respect you all lost. We are here because we want this to succeed. Give us something to go on here. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1

  3. I usually just sit back and let the devs do what they need to do, but I am really questioning this decision. My company just claimed some land finally (in the arctic of course) and now this. I feel very much screwed over with this change. Saying it will stop people from "building absurdly large bases" isn't true at all since, and I quote from the 15.61 update, "- Thatch Structures have had their crafting costs reduced by 3x." So I can just easily make a thatch empire to "lag up a server". Where is the logic in that?

    Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, stone is suppose to feel more endgame, and increasing the cost makes something made out of stone more rare, harder to get, and maybe can be more of a sign of a company's power/time in the game, but adding metal to stone is silly unless they will add a new tier beyond stone that uses metal. That or change the stone textures/models to have metal in it? I feel like they should be fixing the huge issues of the game instead of dinking around with low hanging fruit, unless they are running into issues fixing/optimizing things and wanted to make the patches feel bigger so they are adjusting small stuff.

    How about changing the breeding system so you don't have to literally spend 24+ hours straight in game to raise an animal? Come up with a better fix for boat griefing instead of this "barrier" crap. I have been accidentally stuck on more little junk rafts than I would care to say because you just glide around on it and can't leave it. Either way, I hope this gets rolled back or at least have the costs reduced a bit.

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