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Posts posted by Toof

  1. Good day, sir!


    Apologies, missed this message until recently.  A group of us are just kind of hanging out and waiting for the official servers to wipe and were thinking about messing around on a RP server.  The idea we were playing with is possibly rping a group of feral pygmies.  We were tossing around the ideas below;

    - All character models would be tiny.  We would utilize "windows" as our doors

    - Perhaps restricting ourselves to sloops and leveling up so we can have lots of crew.  Our "sea pvp" strategy is to just poor off the boat with players and unusual tames to try and attack others boats.

    - Our bases would be unique constructions favoring our small stature (we are even thinking about using windows as our doors)

    - We are considering restricting ourselves to primitive weapons such as bows, fire, oil, etc.

    - Did I mention riding pigs?  Why doesn't everyone ride pigs?

    Do you guys still have a server up and kicking?  How is the pop?



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