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Posts posted by Vael86

  1. Hola compañeros Se abre hace un par de semanas un servidor con 2 cuadrantes y unos 15 islas rolplay.

    Todos ellos como esclavos y para poder abandonar la isla de esclavos hay que ser comprado por una de las 3 facciones afectadas piratas españoles y alemanes, o si se junta un grupo de esclavos pueden formar facción nueva. 

    Siempre pvp con rol, eventos, admin activo,, prohibido claimear la isla principal de cada facción y limpiar las bases. Si alguien está interesado contactar conmigo para proporcionar discordia. 


  2. As there may be people who talk about the wipe as it will end the player base ... the game started with a stable base of 60000 players, down to 30000 and is now in 6000/12000 to this is the people who play on servers private and different regions ... 1000 or 2000 players in pvp eu. the game is dead now we just have to pray for them to change things, make wipe and return the player base. although I'm afraid it's too late

    • Thanks 1

  3. As they do not do things to improve fast the game we are going to be 4 cats playing. Of having 50000/60000 stable players has dropped to have 20,000 players with peaks of 30000 more than half of players lost. With 100000 viewers on twitch now there is 7000/11000 already surpassed by world of warcraft and its disastrous expansion.

    They should encourage the players to stay! Fixing a damn time the claim would have to have restriction to 1 claim per person, it is not normal for a clan to control entire quadrants so normal that people have nowhere to live and leave the game ... Remember that this is a mmorp (Massive multiplayer) of massive will have little if half the world is controlled by the Chinese and the other means 4 large clans. In the end the only option is to join a Mega tribe and those who do not leave. It would also be necessary to increase the resistance of the boats that are very weak, they fart and sink the ship. The arrows of absurd fire ... It is more profitable to attack or defend naked with bow and arrows of fire than to put on firearms and firearms to die scorched and lose everything ... Why burn like that? Remove the fire ♥♥♥♥♥! If they do not throw oil grains, things should not burn except the candles, which is the only logical thing.

  4. Como no hagan cosas para mejorar rapido el juego nos vamos a quedar 4 gatos jugando. De tener 50000/60000 jugadores estables ha bajado a tener 20000 jugadores con picos de 30000 mas d3 la mitad de jugadores perdidos. Con 100000 viewers en twitch ahora hay 7000/11000 ya superado por world of warcraft y su nefasta expansión.

    Deberian fomentar que los jugadores se queden! Arreglar de una maldita vez lo de los claim tendria que haber restriccion a 1 claim por persona, no es normal que un clan controle cuadrantes enteros asi normal que la gente no tenga donde vivir y abandonen el juego... Recordar que esto es un mmorp (masive multiplayer) de masivo va tener poco si medio mundo lo controlan los chinos y el otro medio 4 clanes grandes. Al final la unica opción unirte a una Mega tribu y los que no a marcharse. Tambien habria que aumentar la resistencia de los barcos que son de papel de fumar, se tiran un pedo encienden un mechero y te hunden el barco. Las flechas de fuego absurdo... Sale mas rentable atacar o defender desnudo con arco y flechas de fuego que ponerte arnadura y armas de fuego para morir achicharrado y perderlo todo ... Porque queman asi?? Quitar el fuego ! Si no lanzan granadas de aceite no deberian arder las cosas excepto las velas que es lo unico logico.

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