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Posts posted by dominantblaze

  1. 23 hours ago, MrHeid said:

    I'm third party here as I dont pvp but if I was accused this heavily and cheating I would provide evidence to show that I dont. Maybe ChemB players stream your raids for the next couple months. Show off your skill so that people can see it and say that guys is really good and not cheating. I mean it seems like if you weren't cheating it would be pretty easy to show it. If you provide video of your skill and they cannot provide evidence of you cheating I think it would be pretty case closed.

    That would be nice. But what about all these dramatic claims about never missing, unkillable bears, etc. that have already been proven false by the one video that was posted as evidence. Where are all the million videos of evidence that was promised? Only evidence I have been convinced by so far is maybe the duping items, but that's more like exploiting a broken game mechanic isn't it? Kind of very different from all these other claims, that so far have not been proven despite people saying there is video evidence existing somewhere. Why has it not been posted?

  2. ....

    T4NGO, your story is falling apart bit by bit. None of what you say seems to be so, based on the stream. (Only video evidence you have posted so far.)

    You said they were solo raiding. They had 9 people. You said their bears are unkillable, yet they lost a bear and in the stream I see damage being done to the bear, and them healing it. You said defence towers didn't work, people here reporting otherwise, you are not denying it. They are using high quality guns, of course they will one shot nakeds. In the stream video I see your people running around naked, trying to fist fight guys with guns. And they have high quality armor as well, of course they will be hard to kill. You said they never missed, in the stream I see them missing. And turns out your story about them defending with 4 players, you were attacking the wrong company, wrong island even. With all these things incorrect about your claims, how are we supposed to believe any of this? You said there is a lot of video evidence, where is it?

  3. There needs to be a warning if you are sending NPC's to a ship that is already at max capacity of crew. Or, disable it all together. As in, you get a message "unable to send to ship - ship full of crew" for example, like you get with a lot of other things in the game. Lost a galleon today because it was accidentally loaded with too much crew, and there was no indication of anything being wrong since no one was on the ship to see the "too many crew" warning.

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