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Posts posted by famine

  1. please increase the elephant stamina regen rate. elephants use too much stamina per swing to justify such a low regen rate. my elephant has over 2000 stam and drains it completely knocking down 10 trees, then i have to sit there for nearly a minute waiting on the regen. this is tedious and unnecessary. Thx.

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  2. can we please please please get functional tame painting, just like painting structures. slap it with a paintbrush, color individual regions, done. if you want you can even go as far as making it possible to use .pnt files to get special designs because trying to do this right now doesn't work, but i would be happy if you just went with basic painting by region. Thx.

  3. so a week ago when i was out taming an elephant, i was doing about 34 damage per hit to wild elephants using my bear, today me bear is only doing 12 damage to wild elephants.  it seems to only be elephants that are taking reduced damage, and its super frustrating because i cant get enough damage fast enough to not lose a crap load of taming effectiveness. wtf is the damage reduced to around a third of what it was a week ago?

  4. i suggest capping the mob count in golden age ruins. was going to the cave in O7 after a hard fought victory over a hydra. had my artifact key, pulled up near the cave area and lo hundreds of boats people had just abandoned made it impossible to get my ship to a spot i could drop anchor. That was not even the worst part. when i had finally swam close enough to shore for the mobs to render, there were 9 fire elementals about 40 or so gorgons, and i couldn't even count the lions. 

    so my suggestions are: do something about the ship clutter, reduce the spawn count for hostiles, and have them spaced out way better, because it seemed like they were specifically congregating in the cave area. also as an asside please nerf the fire elementals. they do too much damage, are way too hard to kill, and have a ridiculously large aggro range

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