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Posts posted by Fluffypawns

  1. suppose to be a update 1 march  but nothing happened  i guess they fell asleep  it is now 23.33 in the UK been waiting for update all day long  😞  i guess the left hand don't know what the right hand is doing, Anyways i'm off to bed  its been a bad day for my Atlas game  shame if they give a date for updates make sure they follow it 

  2. well i started on PVE server  and i had a base in N11 it took some time BUT i used my head and well placed flags  and i got to start my base . Yes there are greed feckers out there that spam flags were its not needed  BUT they did it because they could . Now that there will be a limit on the Flags is good leaves more room for others  I still think that each tribe should only be allowed 3-5 flags Max   and Each alliance they join reduce the flags they all can have  this would be great too . No mass tribes with mass alliances . Also for the Lawless i think they should have a Decay of 6 Blocks ( so if you put more then 6 foundations you get a slower time of decay BUT anything under 6 Foundations  should decay  in 3 hours this would prevent mass foundation spam ) or something in that area. Even Better any foundations that are  Below the fresh hold that you put  being 6 or 4  On every daily restart they get auto wiped off the servers. dam i could keep typing but my brain is dieing need Tea  BBL 😄

  3. hi guys 


    i was wondering how can you claim a ship after the tribe has left the game , we have cleared there base and there ships have been in the water now for 3weeks and nothing is happening to them they are not getting damaged by the storms. when i use my F1  it tells me that i can claim the ship if im on the ship BUT you cant get on the ship. if and when u get on ship you are bugged BUT if you Press F1 it tell you u can place a flag if you on ground / swimming / grappled . So can some one tell what can we do ???  ty

  4. well idea is good but the other thing is  i have a base i would like to take over as i own no land  and iv been told the guy in this base quit playing and not been online for a long time . i have been here now 2 days with my flag poll down to contest But it shows no Timers  or anything like that + the Guys flag says Build Allowance  :  Everyone    seeing hes not been online in a long time BUT you canot place anything down  . from what i can see he has put down Multiple  Patches of Foundations Before leaving and now  no one can claim it .  That should be done Different that 72 hour Time line .  

  5. i know of the  patch  2 day period it started on Tuesday  and the Patch was activated today  around 22.00 UK time  

    im not sure  i did see a  server restart  after  the patch   But  no sure all i know im stuck and cant go anywhere   Because of my Weight and i dont wont to drop  any of it Becuase it took me all day to Gather 😞

  6. hey guys 

    I just wanted to know what can you do if a guy is not playing any more BUT he has a claim flag down and sleeping in his base , He has his Flag and allowed build share Everyone  BUT cant place anything down . any thoughts on this what i could do ???.   i have gathered all ship parts  while i was waiting for this patch to drop and now i cant place anything + i cant leave now because my raft cant carry me  😞 . please if anyone can help    im on  Sirens call N11 .  Thank You

  7. once again being harassed and getting grief from this Company   Pusheen's Privateers company  . they have sank our ships and killed our animal also Blocked us in with Large Gates . they say that the Devs dont care and nothing going to happen to them  they verbal abuse alot . now im trying to get back to my base from other side of island and they block me by standing in front of me and then use there cat to push me back with it . i have taken some sreenshot as proof . i hope something will be done about this soon . i love this game and they are spoiling my game by doing all this because they can.  i have reported them on Steam But i think it should be done by the GM / Devs here .









  8. Hey guy 

    there is a Company in C7 EU Pve   that sunk 3 of my ships using the Exploit  they are called  Pusheen Privateers  Also they keep pulling wild animals to kill our tames and last night they sunk 3 ships and killed my lvl 42 elephant . so now they gone and put giant gates all around us blocking us from the rest of the Island .  Please GM / Dev Help use  !!!!! 




    P.S please tell me you record all voice chat  ??  as a muslim playing games i do not like Racists  . i think this clan is German and there  Slurs in voice chat are Racial to muslims and jews  and the Holocost . Please do something 

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