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Posts posted by Applecrayon

  1. The second picture is just so badly designed. Why would anyone who wanted to play PvE step foot on that server? You already neuter their ability to fight by depriving them of resources, so every ship that leaves a PvE square will be outgunned every single time. 


    You don't want 'trade ships' you want easy targets. I guarantee you within the first 24 hours of that server being set up every PvE square will be surrounded on all sides by players camping the borders, waiting for their easy kills. 


    There is zero reason for anyone to trade with the PvE players either. Why would anyone in their right mind HELP an enemy company get stronger? You even nerf their ability to gather things compared to everyone else, so what possible value does being a PvE player on your map idea have? Slowest to get a ship, can't get the weapons needed to put up a fight, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you won't let PvE players have any decent tame spawns either, so what possible reason would anyone ever choose to play PvE on that server? The only things those squares will be good for is a giant ship parking lot. 


    The only way you could get people to want to play PvE on that map is if they are given unique resources that only spawn in PvE zones. Then people actually have a reason to trade with them. Otherwise you might as well just make NPC ships that don't fire back, and only spawn 1 NPC ship for every 3 you build. 

  2. You guys do realise they don't actually test anything they put into the game, right? They say they do, but they don't. It would have taken then less than 30 seconds to spawn 50k into their inventory and realise it doesn't let you carry that much. 

    I am 100% certain someone on the dev team comes up with a cool idea, they high five for 10 minutes, throw it into the game and forget about it. There are many many more examples of this currently in the game. One example is the reload perks from the firearms tree not working. Sure, the animation is faster but you still sit there waiting for the gun to actually register the bullet, and most of the time the little reload mini game doesn't sync up with any animations. Just 1 reload would have proven that to the devs, but nope, put it in and fix it later. 

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