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Posts posted by Eragnor

  1. By the way. Fire arrows would in no way in the world burn down a ship in real life. The sails, sure. But the massive wooden planks that have been treated. A arrow with a piece of clotch soaked in oil would just leave a slight singe on an actual ship plank.

  2. How in the world can people take down an anchored Galleon with fire arrows in under 10 minutes with 2 people?
    The most expensive ship in the game being destroyed in 10 minutes with the most basic weapon doesnt seem quite right.
    If someone comes in with a flamethrower or another ship with guns and sinks it, fair enough, but naked people sneaking on an island and taking a galleon in  10 minutes is just not to way.
    When you add that docked ships cant be hit by tools in 10.0 Add fire arrow to it aswell.


  3. Every game that works with siege like mechanics and wants to allow players to have an actual life outside the game needs to have some sort of system that protects you at the most ungodly hours. When protection mechanics like these aren't in the game the meta will be to raid at 4-6am on weekdays for most people. Not only is it the most boring *pvp* that you can get in a game to destory someone's island at 5am, I also assume this is not the kind of pvp you want to promote in your game. (I mean surely you want to have a way to encourage people to have massive naval/land battles/sieges to claim territory rather than offline raiding). I've been in those and they are amazing!
    It is impossible for people to be online at all times and I don't think this should be mandatory for any game (Note that im pretty much online myself from 10pm to 2am when I have the time but I have to sleep at some point aswell).

    My suggestion is to have a short time offline protection system that allow docked ships and buildings to not be damaged between 1am-7am ish on weekdays and a shorter period of time on weekends
    Players should still be killable, tamed anymals should be killable. And ofcourse undocked ships should be killable, so if people are actually online and sailing about you can sink the hell out of them. 

    It wasn't as mandatory before as you launched the game in the middle of holidays for most, but now that those are over we need a system in place that protects people from this.

    Ofcourse a requirement for this is to allow servers to house more people at times so that a large invasionforce can come in to hostile tiles and actually lay siege to islands without them being forced to leave because of lag or forced tp out of the server.

    Thank you for reading.

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