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Posts posted by Concomitant

  1. 22 hours ago, downslayer said:

    Is there anything we have to do on the server side? This still didn't work for me, it makes me think I have something wrong on the server config. Do we need to have the server ID folder in the ServerGrid folder locally? Do we need to rename the map images on the server the same way as we renamed them locally per steps above? I might just try making a whole new server at this point and giving up everything I have to get this working.

    This is coming from the server owner:

    " What made it work for us was a small string in the http. These maps can be hosted thru Google Drive; I use Dropbox. Here's the info I used: https://www.drac346.net/2018/12/atlas-dss-guide-building-map-pt-4.html "

    Hopefully this helps 🙂

  2. Ok, we finally got this working on our server. Here's what EACH player did, and I've included images:

    Admiral Snerpe's (REINHART's) Map Fix:

    1) Verify game files and download any missing files.

    2) DELETE the LocalProfiles and MapImagesCache folder in the game directory's "/ShooterGame/Saved" folder.

    3) CREATE a new MapImagesCacheFolder in the same location, and also create "ServerGrid" there as well.

    4) Inside MapImagesCache create a folder called 19711119 (or whatever server ID)

    5) Obtain map .jpg files.

    6) Rename them EXACTLY like this, or you will have no map: http://prntscr.com/m4mxgt

    7) Double-Check that you have this file structure: http://prntscr.com/m4myjs and that you have the same files from MapImagesCache included in the ServerGrid folder.

    😎 Launch ATLAS

    9) Connect to any region, and pray to Davy Jones that we've fixed this thing!

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