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Posts posted by Taluntherat

  1. How do you get items of quality to automatically go back on your bar after you pick up your inventory? I hate it putting a white (normal) item there and me forgetting about it when a level 29 wolf runs at me and I end up using my common bow instead of my 131% damage one.



  2. Thanks, I am frustrated there is so little land to claim, other than in areas no one wants to be in due to climate/lack of resources. 

    I was hoping to build somewhere, and get to know the people around me then group up with them, rather than blindly join a group and get hosed after spending days collecting resources or some other BS.


  3. What does it mean? I found a place that said it had an upkeep timer of like 1200 seconds (10 minutes) I came back 20 minutes later and it was -1200 but I couldn't contest it or do anything else.

    I would have assumed it meant they stopped their upkeep so why can't I place anything? I will admit I know nothing about how the claiming works as I haven't been able to find a free spot anywhere yet. Feel free to school me on how it works, I take no offense. 



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