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Posts posted by ryannmeyer

  1. There is a dire need for Asian specific servers, Now don't get me wrong I love everyone but hwne u glitch alphas into my base on pve to take my stuff after I die I have an issue when u take over 30% of a map on the pvp US servers I have an issue and im sure im not alone in my dislike currently please Atlas devs make Asians have their own server :C

  2. 9 hours ago, Keins Thallow said:

    As the older generation of gamers who grew up on diablo 2, everquest, classic wow, all grow older and the younger generation take the market place this has become the norm.  The we want everything NOW and with NO RISK and NO EFFORT  GIMMIEGIMMIE, this is TOOOOO HARRRD LOWLUZOR #something something salty tears  OMGAU?L where iz my skinSS!

    Its sooooooooooo true hahahahahahaah

  3. What I think is even though we have experienced a bumpy start that's no reason to be rude to the developers or label the game unplayable due to a few small issues. The game has just recently come out, and like Ark survival does have a some slight issues when it came out but that's no reason to fuss over such potential. Atlas to me is amazing I have always wanted to play a beautiful pirate like survival game. 

    3 hours ago, Realist said:

    This stuff is good for pve yes. Not for pvp.

    i know some people are still idealistic but in all reality what will happen with the taxation zone is it will he set to 1/3 of your rates, no longer making you are actual pirate.

    theb after you build a base on the land and have a lot to lose they will start charging you another fee that you give directly to them aside from the taxation. 

    The reason for this side charge will be a threat to wipe and now that you have a base finally you definitely have something to lose. You will definitely pay the price and if not they will just wipe you and take the land back.

    some might say that wouldn’t be beneficial for them but yes it will, there won’t be any shortage of beach bobs nedding a place to live, so nobody is going to be special.

    just wait till they decide to take it back 👍

    Well then get good don't let them tax you. Or simply move away there's loads of space.

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