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Posts posted by Detestar

  1. 45 minutes ago, Dizzviz said:

    knockback, as its called, is an important part of most games with combat. the game does have a melee dodge mechanic that works wonders. a headshot to a wolf with a pistol is normally enough to kill it and if not use your other pistol, or a rifle, or a blunderbuss. what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't really be engaging in melee if you can't dodge so get good scrub.

    that being said the arc of the knockback could be adjusted slightly to help prevent getting launched 

    I understand your point but equip with Fullplate but still bounce (also with shield) doesn't really make any sense
    and from equip shield, I can't dodge any more.

    What I want to say here is, improve over all Melee combat or else it's not really worth invest into Melee Skill tree at all
    like one of 2 handed skill that need some time to charge up before slamming, you thinks I can help my friend with that skill ?
    It's look great on paper, like, I stun the mob > my friend wipe them out with good headshot > everyone happy but it's not.
    I go in try to stun > I got bounce like hell > team need to run after me because I already got "knockback" way toooooooo far.

    I tried to use shield so I can "Hold the line" for my team or something like that
    there's also an Island full with Predator too that's why I felt like playing as a tank and kite/hold all those predator so my friend can finish them is a fun thing to do and it's also a good PVE experience as well

  2. I already post it on steam forum but I don't thinks it's gonna be seen there.
    then I found the link to official suggestion forum so I'm gonna put it here as well.

    I'll post the link to my post on steam and copy-phase all my text into this post too


    Below here is what I wrote on steam forum
    (sorry about the swear words)

    I don't know this post will get Dev. attention or not.

    but still, I want to post my oppinion about this.
    okay, now let's get to the point.

    I know that "Bounce" is one of the mechanic in Ark.
    but I thinks it's not working that good in this game.
    and you need to get rid of it or atleast adjust it.
    because you gonna melee alot in PVE.
    (PVPer hold your beer I knew you're hardcore but we PVEer need a good experince too)
    and with that bouncing it's not working that well tbh.
    I tried to test my toughness with Wild Boar and guess what.
    I got bounce around like a toy ball from middle of the island to the sea.
    it's pretty much not working in any sense.

    you make tons of Melee skill that isn't working AT ALL (useless that is)
    Bouncing might work on Ark since it's gave you more space to run and shoot back
    Ark have a fast firing speed and reload while your Character can lv.up on speed to out run many stuff
    but in Atlas
    you can't do @#$# with fast speed animal not to mention Alpha
    I tried to bring 1 main gun and Melee just to make sure I can survive the wild
    but it's not going so well
    for example
    Wolf approach me, I shoot my gun and it's not dead 'coz it's lv 20+ wolf
    I bring out my Melee with Shield got first attacked from Wolf > I bounce
    I tried to hold guard with my shield but it's not possible since I'm flying and cluster %$@# like hell
    Wolf run toward me with god speed, attack me a second time > Bounce again
    Repeat until I died
    What's the point of all those "Shield Care" and "Improve Parry" ??

    my friend got attack by wolf and flew away across the criff.

    Wearing full Fullplate armor with Metal shield yet still bouncing like a beach ball from every attack not to mention about my speed that reduce into slower than a turtle
    is that really make any sense ?
    (slower speed is ok but you might not be bouncing anymore right ? RIGHT ??)

    this is not a good expereince for PVE on the island with Many Predator spawn at all

    I would suggest Dev. team if you want a good engaging 1st person Melee combat Mechanic
    Take a note from Vermintide
    or else Melee PVE in this game will not go anywhere around a F#@#%^$#@%T

    btw, I can take another post about how $#@! Melee skill work if I have time
    but I guess I'll not post it anytime soon

    Anyway, good game and please take note about this if possible and polish the game to the max level
    I love it but the melee PVE Combat is still way too far for from "fun and engange" if I would say


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