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Everything posted by Tiramon

  1. Every time I log in my Fine and Journeyman Items have to be repaired EVEN when they aren't damaged before I can Equip them.
  2. Tiramon

    AGE BUG!!!!!

    And yes this has to be a bug because no truly intelligent Dev would ever come up with some stupid shit as to age a player over 60+ years in just 808 days of game time!! This is the shit that is going to help kill the game on TOP of the multiple patches a day, on top of the multiple deaths from the patches every day, on top of the bad mechanics and pings and lag, on top of animals killing you through STONE WALLS!!! just by sticking their heads through!!! COME ONE DEVS!!! Quit being dumbasses with a game that has SO MUCH GREAT POTENTIAL and was such a GOOD IDEA!!!!
  3. I have died more in this game due to patches than I have to the wildlife.
  4. So, I see a message in game Patch in 7 minutes early morning 01/17/2019 so I go to the Building we have log off IN THE BUILDING 5 MINUTES BEFORE patch … I have NOT been on the OCEAN for a COUPLE of HOURS!!! I log in today, and FIND MYSELF DEAD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN IN THE ZONE!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! Come On Atlas DEVS!!! Fix this trash!!!!!
  5. How the HELL do I end up DEAD in the OCEAN when I logged off 5 minutes BEFORE you patch on the early morning hours of 01/17/2019 on LAND IN A BUILDING and HAVEN'T BEEN ON THE OCEAN IN HOURS?!?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL ATLAS?!?!?! Can you NOT GET YOUR SHIT FIXED?!?!?!?!?!?!
  6. Not sure what you did but you broke it again … and I am ok dying when I do something stupid or fight something I shouldn't but am REALLY TIRED of DYING BECAUSE OF PATCHES and ROLLBACKS!!! AND AM FED UP LOSING GEAR because you patch and I die and I can't get logged back in because you broke it and then all my SHIT IS GONE!!!!
  7. How About you quit rolling me back every single patch so I don't KEEP DYING!!! AND AGING!!! My God I am 68 years old now I am almost too crippled and old to keep sailing and playing!!!!!!
  8. 1. If I can freeze to death then why can't a Snake or Giant Snake??? 2. I see a lot of people going off about losing land … part of the issue I see is that they are claiming as much as possible and DEFINITELY MORE than they need and then they are going to the edge of their areas and placing a FLOOR piece … just 1 … so that it extends the land and makes it so NO ONE else can claim unless contesting. This needs to be adjusted!!! I and my company are tired as hell of having to go to lawless regions to build just so we can stock and restock and build new ships because everyone is so overly selfish on land. The people stealing land and weighing down ships I feel is partially due to the " Got to get as much Land as I can get and fuck the other guy or company " Mentality. Adjust some of this or things are going to get worse. We even tried 2 days in a row to ask companies on an island to let us just temporarily claim and they refused to answer or laughed at us and some being smartasses on a PvE server shot flaming arrows at us, and at this point I almost tried stealing the land but we didn't we held to our principles of treating others with respect. 3. An Old Complaint - FIX THE FUCKING CAMPING ALPHA'S!!! Thank You All and Good Luck and Fair Winds!!
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