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Posts posted by uli

  1. 12 hours ago, Jay8454 said:

    You can feed that way but they made your chancesDEPLORABLEE to tame the elelphant, it ends up killing you over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. I went through 14 elephants for the 2X tame and that's doesn't seem to be working! I died countless times. 

    what , wear armour u may take the odd hit but i’ve never died taming anything once i got the hang of the different animals 


    easiest tame is lion / tiger u can stand in front of them just out of range of them 


    elephant if using taming pen u need to be in the pen with it standing just behind its head near front leg move in feed move out count move in again , u will take the odd hit so wearing armour is advised 



    to all the casuals that that want to tame things without taking any damage , why? 

    u think you deserve this , wear armour learn the positions for each tame ...stop trying to tame from outside a pen it won’t work on elephants 

  2. On 2/8/2019 at 5:36 PM, Muffinman said:

    Anywhere near the head should count. Period. None of this sliver, magic pixel, safe space. It shouldn't be this ridiculous to tame animals. Speaking of animals, when will the devs dull down alphas? I'm losing my patients with alpha lions snatching me off my mount and killing us both. Regular lions are already a pain with that ability, alphas are just a second tier dick move ability with nothing to counter it. At least give players a way to get out of the mouth faster. ffs.

    so u want to stand at top of his head and shove the food through its skull nowhere near its mouth ok 😕 


    p.s taming pen made out of pillars is the only way now 

  3. Recruit to your company is the correct option , once he accepts all his claims items should come with him


    There isn't a merge option persay

  4. Different culture , they are taught their while.lives winning is the be all and end all 


    They are taught anything less than top is a fail no matter what they are doing u fortunately this spills over Into gaming even on pve where there is no winning 


    But atlas Devs haven't helped by having leaderboards for most land claimed even on pve this has no place in it , should be  PvP oly 

  5. The sea buoys do fuck all so that stupid 

    If meant flags at sea again stupid to limit it 

    And 1 land  cliam per player is also stupid 


    Flags or pillar spam it's all same , 


    Only change needed is removal of sleepers after X amount of time to allow all the abondoned Ares to be claimed by others 

  6. 1 hour ago, DannyUK said:

    Well they need to rename this in game, it's certainly not a "cargo" cart. I have no use for trailing a cannon around with me on PVE, looks like it will stay in the storage box for ever. I had the impression you could put things in it being a cargo cart.

    U and everyone else that put points in it 


    They need to add storage to it or rename it 

  7. 15 hours ago, Tarantel said:

    Honey/fakehoney/sugar also saps and it wont spoil so u can fillup your ship with it and bring it to your base.

    And whats the problem to travel for mats ? its a fucking Ocean Travelgame xD

    The problem. Is player are treating this game as happy island SIM 


    We have players in our secTor that have loved the taming changes so they don't have to travel 




    I got told the other day "I wish I had your knowledge of where to find this mat and that mat" 


    I replied because the boats I build I actually use them they don't just sit looking pretty 

  8. Needs to be max 10 days logged off your sleeping body is removed 


    I'm getting annoyed at tropical area I'm In neighbors havnt logged In For weeks 


    They built Giant gates blocking acess to beach unless u make a 15 trip around 


    Yet cant claim as they have logged out sleepers , 



    10 days sleepers removed from server 

  9. 1 hour ago, Badkebab said:

    While I understand your point I would hazard a guess that it's no difficult feat to sink a wooden boat with an axe, does it really matter if a sickle is used? 


    But then I expect you are advocating that it should be harder to sink ships with hand tools. 

    I wouldn't be against hand tools damaging ships they are wood after all , but they should do such minimal damage , u would need to be hacking away for a few hours to make any significnt headway

    • Like 1

  10. Anchored and docked ships only , so what exactly don't u like about it ? 


    Oh no I cant  go sinking ships that are parked up with my overweight glitch 

    U can still board them when at sea 

    Will have to actually attack them properly 


    • Like 3

  11. 55 minutes ago, Herasea said:

    This isn't ark....Wolfs are weak in ark because they're are a way more other creatures that can wreck your ass and they're lower on the food chain. If you could pike a wolf to death here, islands would become so trivial, not saying some sort of balance isn't needed, a lvl 10 snake shouldn't be able to fully torp you in 2 hits at lvl 50+ (personal experience) but it's, imho, silly to use Ark when the game plays completely differently. Main goals in Ark is to tame, breed them, then face in gaem bosses. Atlas is to sail, fight navel battles, find treasure eventually earning power stones.

    Again, i'm not saying there needs to be no balance, everything is perfect, but using Ark won't help in the long run.

    we have the same chars same heslth pools same armour values as ark so mobs should be balanced regardless if it's different game ,same assets used  same lower tier animals 

     wolf's could be piked down in ark but they didn't have 200 hits per second and didn't aggro from Almost out of render range ,

    Also the damage they do is same.for lvl1 as lvl 29 


    We need same amount of hits with bow to kill lvl 1 as a lvl 29 unless u get 2 headshots and a 3rd hit  in u won't survive a wolf attack , and even at that point unless u have stackee  HP's at the expense of other stats u just as well have been killed as health will be so low better off dying and respawn with full health and with no way to heal yourself it's the better option . 


    Wolf's aggro range is far too exsesive I will post a screenshot i took where the aggro range Kicked in ,

    I think it will clearly show there is a problem. As a lot of the time u don't even realise u have aggressive them until it's too late 


    During lvling when we could respec each lvlv I tried out the assive aggro range skills didn't make any difference that was noticable , 


    They need changes fast it's not an enjoyable gameplay experience with wolf's lions tigers it's just frustrating and anoying 



    Ps if u are getting torpered down in 2 bites from snakes then u might need to balance yoyr vitamins for the buff and take at least 20-30 fort . 


    Snakes , crocs rattle snakes  giraffes scorpions ants all other wildlife is easy to take down crocs snakes rattle snakes all kitable and killable  with arrows / fire arrows .








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