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Posts posted by Aztro

  1. early access is just marketing to sell things not finished, not completed, its a trash market where games like this one can emerge to make money

    but the only objective is making money with a small gang, not complete the game

    there is long list of early access games in steam not even developed anymore by someone but still sold there

    and u will find some people to defend that, even is the game is not fun or completely failed

    Atlas is a fake mmo, not massive, not sandbox, not persistent,

    hardcore mechanics are cool when the game is good, like EVE online, u can loose a lot against others players 

    but u dont loose stuff, skills and time  because of the  game 

    early access to justify such a fail is too easy

    oh and btw i loled with Grapeshot an established company ? do u have an idea how many devs really developping that game ?

    1 ? 2 ? 3 ? O ? 0.5 ? 










  2. sincerely people are cool

    not sure about devs

    obviously they dont even tested their own game 

    some old bugs still in Ark like the double key setting not working are in Atlas and probabley wont never be fixed

    so once again i really doubt

    making a game with only mixing assets and mechanics give this shit

    so u defending people who made a lot of money with a work like this ?

    oh yeah we are in 2019 wonderful world

  3. early access is just a marketing idea to sell more games 

    PVE has no interest anymore

    i love casu players with 20 hours  played treating others with 500+ hours of crying noobs

    may be this explains a lot of things, u achieved nothing so wipe or not u dont care, but people who spent a lot of time can have an other opinion

    we got so many bugs so many bad things but we continued to play

    and devs wipe everything since they failed their own game

    not sure it was planned like this

    wait im looking for something postive but i cant find any

    if u like spending (a lot of) time for nothing this game is for u

  4. well grinding after 50 was so long on official

    now everything is set on easy 

    so game has lost any sense in pve and wipe inc so no need to farm to craft rare bp

    doing boats with rare stuff too

    redo a char on offi pvp wasnt enough fun, i stopped at 9,  sunk by the first galeon i met, i guess noobships OSed gives a lot of adrenaline

    so im going back to EVE once gain 😛 i walked on beach but space is so far better

  5. since veryone around me stopped playing on PVE serv offi

    i stopped too, just logged saturday to feed crew and animals

    and now they re gonna die since i wont play anymore

    i will unlock all storage on N3 base tonite or tomorrow

    +300 BP free all ql all types ( ex: epic large sail )

    +25K gold free

    tons of ressources in X5 variety

    5 boats

    10+ animals elephant bear lion 50+

    everything will be unclaimed and unlocked 

    do what u want i dont care 😄

    N3 east cape Oxbonear Northern Light land, we were 3 max and 1 and 2 and 3 and 2 and 1 and 0 now


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  6. lol I wont spend 700 hours of playing a new fail version

    sorry u aren't serious at all guys

    discovery all things achieved all things crafted all things tamed for nada

    only kraken rewarded 

    u should give  a free game +4 invitations to all griefers and assholes I met on this game too

    no limits on build and build everywhere is the best thing to improve server perf and spam pillar foundation

    refrain pvp is the best way to have pvp sure

    spend so much development to a submarine useless

    cant believe it

    could I say lol ?

    oh btw these forums are useless its just for  " amuser la galerie "

    so anyways hf people who continue o7

  7. so I killed alphas with bow spear spike pistols carabine sword shield ballistas

    and I punched to death an alpha manta ray who failed to swim

    alphas and golden age ruins mobs are the only environment dangerous so we need them

    but exploring golden age ruins is way more painfull

    only safe way is to block mobs and kill them with ranged


  8. hours and hours of sailing to find explo points

    so many deaths sometimes to have 1 point

    at this point u need to create a real company to do this at this rate

    ok its fun at beginning but coupled with bed broking tp its really frustating

    yep sometimes bed is broken and dont let fast travel so u take A 2Nd ship and got here after 3Hours and find a bed perfectly ok 

    u just lost 3 hours….

    high rate of météos and events on sea so sometimes

    to see the random beach with random snakes and pigs

    when u doing this for the 87th time u starting to ask if …

    comparaison killing a whale giving 50 pts

    50 pts is minimum 100 hours of gameplay so once again

    balanced ?



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