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Posts posted by Anev

  1. It appears that when the server restarts it wipes the dino population.  Does anyone know how to turn this off?  I see in the startup console:

    [2020.02.11-14.10.56:766][  0]2020.02.11_14.10.56: Force respawning Wild Dinos!

    And when you login, all the creatures do appear to be different.  I'd love to just let the game run naturally even after a restart as sometimes things go wrong and we need a quick restart.  However, I don't want people losing things they are tracking or hope to tame after the restart.

  2. There is some limit on the Health Attribute, I can't seem to find a limit on other attributes.  I changed the PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player value for health to 10 which allows everyone to have a better pool of health but as people level, they hit the cap for the level and then have to wait a couple levels to apply points to Health again.  It works, in case anyone else runs into this, though I'd really like to know what the limit it is and how to change it.

  3. Setup a Blackwood server, configured and all is well.  However, no one can go above 301 in health.  Once you get to that magical number, it looks like you can give more points to the attribute but nothing happens when you click it.  There is like a limit and I can't figure out where, or how, it was set.

    I've deleted and remade characters, started brand new characters on different computers and accounts, others report the problem too.  I did set PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player values (at 3 for various stats).  I removed them and still everything is locked at 301.

    I haven't been on a public server in a long time and didn't see any patch notes saying there was a limit so I'm at a total loss what is stopping everyone from adding more stat points to Health.  So far, no other attribute seems blocked.

    EDIT:  After some playing around, I see that there is what looks like a cap on health as you level?  I max leveled a test character and as he leveled up he could add a point now and then to health until he hit 703 (or something like that) and from then on, no more points could go in health, even at level 150 (our server is set this high).  Am I missing something, an update note or a setting for stats?

  4. I have always had a great connection to the server from home, work and even friend's houses since launch (and the mud soup lag day).  However, this new 255 ping issue now stops myself and another friend from playing (but not others).  This just started a couple patch ago.

    What we've discovered is that when you join the server, you can hit escape and you will see one of three things happen with the ping information:  

    • Ping is at 255 and it never moves or changes, game is unplayable and you rubberband and barely can move.
    • Ping starts at 255 and then it drops slowly until about 160ish and then bounces around but never going below 150.  You can play but it's painful.
    • The final one is the Ping starts at 255 and then it pretty quickly drops until you get to 30-40.  

    Some other notes:

    • If you don't hit escape and watch the ping you are almost always guaranteed to be locked at 255 ping.  Odd but we've had more success getting into game at a normal ping doing this than not.
    • This appears to happens on all sorts of connections, not just one.  I have a 50mb fiber and 100mb fiber at work.  Friends have cable and other things at their house when I've tested this.  I've tested this on a fresh install, a second install on my work computer, and moving my personal computer around, using my laptop, etc.  It feels like it is tied to my account not the game.
    • It doesn't happen to other friends or people we play with, only two of us.  

    Our workaround:
    If you keep connecting after being locked at a 255 ping, disconnect, reconnect, then you will usually get the 255 ping and drop down to 160, disconnect again, reconnect then you will get 255 ping and it will then drop to 40.  It's not constant but works over 70% of the time.  Sometimes you have to disconnect many times but you will get a normal ping, all within a small 10-20 minute window of connecting, reconnecting.  The only problem with this method is, all those disconnects will most always gaurantee you hit the black screen of death bug where as your character is kind of logged in, kind of not, and then you have to restart the game and wait for the character to time out or deal with the host not responding Unreal message repeating over and over again, etc.

    Side Effect:
    Transferring from map to map will almost always reintroduce this problem and knock you out of game or cause your game to crash even if you have a normal ping.  As a work around to this, I usually have a friend drive the boat while I take the Lt. Podium so when we emerge on the other side, I'm still on the boat and not flung overboard because I'm knocked out of the game from the 255 ping.  Sadly, this then gets me stuck in the black screen of death bug where as you are kind of logged in but not really causing you to get the host unresponsive message, game crash or connect and lagging.  And everyone has to wait for me to get reconnected because until we know I'm on the ship, the ship can't move.

    My Insight:
    From my experience. dealing with networking and programming, this feels like something got corrupted (which could have been done by my connection) and now when you join the game it starts the normal connection process, downloading or doing whatever the game does at start, right at character connection process and runs into this corruption where as the game is stuck and can't start lowering the traffic.  By reloading over and over again, you eventually get past the corruption, as whatever causes it is cached, and then you can enter the game as normal.

  5. 9 hours ago, MaulerTGD said:

    just wanted to thank grapeshot for the big middle finger they are giving the NA PVE players

    I agree.  You can justify their [ATLAS management/development] position all the different ways you want but in the end, this is simply showing the poor management, design and lack of experience the team working to create this game have become known for. 

    Today, unlike back in 1997 (of which I started online gaming), having a PvE choice is considered a staple in design for games of this nature.  Segmenting off European, Asian and North American is common but not providing both, or even all three, is almost unheard of today (or even back then) for all the different rule sets servers host.

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  6. Playing games from back in the day it was those nifty little gems you'd find on a secluded vendor.  There was nothing more fun than finding a little shop out in the middle of no where with cheap items that made me want to explore even more.  Who knows, maybe someone else will have a shop setup out in the middle of no where?   This game seems the perfect place for that, get people to move around, visit all the islands in search of vendors and that rare under price find.  I agree about the decay rate in Freeports, I avoid them for just that reason.  But the lag, as everyone sails in and out ... ugg... I'm not sure how to fix that.  We need excitement, more reasons to explore otherwise it's just, head home, head to vendors in Freeport ...  boring.

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  7. On 1/14/2019 at 2:25 PM, MagicPuncher said:

    That's borderline unsistainable for a small (1-3) player group.

    Sad but true.  Just yesterday two of us finally gave in and took our bit of gold and purchased three crewmen.  Got them on our little Schooner (two others had real life stuff).  And we set sail! 

    O...M...G...  Having a crew was a blast!  We've been having fun before but now ... just the two of us ... we could actually spend more time looking around then racing to change a sail, get back to look for SotD...  Trying to plan when one of us could step away for real food or bathroom breaks.  It was like a breath of fresh air in the game.

    Two days later, one person has been on vacation, another sick with the cold, yet another off dealing with life and we are about to lose our three crew members who've been sitting in the house ... on land ... and we are almost out of gold.  Tonight I was going to try and sail around to get some flotsam but I'm dreading it as it's overly stressful for a game that is supposed to be fun.

    I don't mind the idea of paying the crew, they are also getting food on top of that....  But if I take them off the ship, put them in a house, then why am I still paying?  Maybe they shouldn't be able to gain any XP on land and you still need to feed them but to make it fun, stop making them eat up gold for doing nothing.  They got room and board!  When we put them back on the ship, then we pay...

    It's just not fun as it is for small groups and I can't tell you how much fun it was to sail with a crew after playing this game since launch and losing three boats already ... the crew made it even more fun ... until you have to be offline and deal with life ... then the stress of someone making gold to keep our crew ... dinner with family and friends or gold farming in Atlas....

  8. This has got to be the worst change ever made.  Have you guys not played this game?  Sometimes you want to be on a boat to see how they designed it.  Sometimes you need to see who owns it.  Sometimes you slip and fall on a boat.  If the game tossed you back off that would be one thing but to have yourself stuck floating and the only way off the boat is to kill yourself --- utterly dumb!  I've lost all my things because I jumped on this person's boat and all to see who parked their boat between our docks.

    If you want to fix an exploit, challenge yourself a bit more and find a way to do it that doesn't involve punishing other players.

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    • Thanks 3
    • Confused 1

  9. 44 minutes ago, Jatheish said:

    Based on our investigation thus far, resources are certainly respawning on these grids, and the signs point to the structure spawn-prevention radius causing confusion and leading to the reports. This system is native to the game but wasn't present during our initial launch due to Lawless Regions being listed as Homeservers, so from a technical point of view, it's intentional, however, I know better than to rule out possibilities for other issues (hence they're investigating). There's an argument that the radius itself needs to be adjusted, so we'll have to think on that.

    Yes, I think the radius needs to be decreased simply because this isn't a 70 some player game anymore, it's an MMO.  That means a lot of traffic coming and going.  In ARK, Conan, D&L and all the other morphs of the Unreal engine, that default large radius was fine as there was always a small number of players impacted.

    This, of course, would also change (but only slightly) if there was a change to claim land in other areas.  But so far, everything is taken, heck even areas that have no benefit to anyone but a cow are taken. 

    I'm loving the game and so are my friends, we were there at launch slogging through that lag mud that everyone complained about.  I real feel the team need to step back from the concept of this being one of the Unreal morphs and look at how MMOs have to push everything up to the edge to fit everyone in.  There isn't room to have wide open spaces, there are just to many people wanting to play.

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