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Posts posted by neoloid

  1. 8 hours ago, Implicitlee said:

    Nice to see this topic still has people's interest, but, I still do not see anything happening about it, I DO NOT see any feedback from the developers one way or another, almost as if the people who pay for the game and the people who play the game DO NOT matter.

    Maybe we should open this as bug report.

  2. It's the same like in ARK.  You get the initial after taming stats inherited from one of the parents. It's random for each stat from which of the parent it gets.

    If you have leveled stats inherited, wow, think of the numbers after a couple hundret breeds.

    What you can do is super breeding. Try to get all the best initial stats from all of your tames into one master beeding couple.

    That's what we do in ARK and get really badass creatures over time.

  3. 1 minute ago, Talono said:

    Well. I never was a mathematics genius, but...

    2 x zero SAP on island harvesting is.. hmmm.. zero ?

    There is something additional wrong with 2x.

    Try gathering stuff on 0% tax and some on taxed areas.  The equation doesn't work that well. Seems more like they also doubled the tax rate or have a serious calculaion error with it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Implicitlee said:

    You can bet if Devs play the game they spawn in everything they need, and if they DO NOT spawn everything and harvest it like we do then " STOP PLAYING GAMES AND GET BACK TO WORK FIXING THIS" no time to play games damn it.

    and if they get bored traveling with their spawned in ship, they surely use move to admin commands.

  5. 4 hours ago, Talono said:

    It seems all of this is a psychological social experiment how much punishment players can take till a revolution takes place.

    I thought this already with ARK, but as the team moved on I think there is some staff with mental illness.

    Grapestone please check your staff against mental illnesses and get rid of these persons.  These people might help in the beginning, but destroy everything once they get bored.
    Identify and fire them.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jean Lafitte said:

    You know what's really hilarious about tomorrow's 2x event.  The 2x training.  I'd need a bigger stable to put those tames in and guess what. That would cost me metal and paste that I don't even have on my island. 


    2 x 0 = guess what

    Sorry for the inconvenience we give you double of nothing, double lol.

  7. the truth behind the stone update

    Content Manager: We need more building content like medium gates, cornered and triangular stairs and ramps, a new glass section.
    Content creator: but I want to play fortn.
    Content Manager: There are too many requests, do somting against it, and fix breeding, too
    Content creator: 😛 making stone insane expensive, lol, less player = less requests!!!! tasks accomplished!!!

    Congrads guys you really earned that sh!tstorm

    • Thanks 2

  8. tried the second time to breed a bear.
    The temperature range for not taking damage is too small for bears (7°-19°).
    Water doesn't cool, penguins or buildings have no Impact.
    It seems the damage taken is increasing the older the bear gets which is not logical at all.
    Temperature range should increase damage should decrease with age.
    I managed to get the baby to juvenile and gave up as he still needed a constant temperature treatment.
    The temperature tratement simply can't be done for 2 days in a row:
    Sailing to cooler regions when it was too hot , making fire when it was too cool and weather changing every 15 min.

    Please fix that and make breeding possible!


  9. Claiming is absolutely broken right now.
    Contesting a flag means that nobody (anybody) else is allowed to enter the area that is been contested
    for at least 6 hours.
    We tried for several days now to get an abandoned spot on the coast, but there is no chance as always
    someone acciddently enters the area. They just want to harvest some things even not being intersted in that spot.

    Game mechanics changed from being contester friendly to owner friendly.
    It should be equal friendly / unfriendly.
    As suggestion:
    If an area gets contested, nobody else can interrupt or contest that area.
    Only owner or their allies should be able to Interrupt, by going to the flag and actively Interrupt.
    In addtion the owner should see a marker on the minimap which of his flag is being contested.

  10. Babysitting a baby bear for temperature four hours long might me somewhat possible, but
    the temperature influence should end with juvenile status as there is no automation like air condition.
    Baby bears shoulld have a much wider range than 7-19 °C. mIght count for other creatues as well.

    Very unpleassant to spend the whole night to see theat it simply can't be done.
    You should remove that sadistic unhealthy person that implements such stuff from your team at all.
    It might be the same sociopath that did it with ARK.

    Still not sure if it is worth breeding at all if an alpha wolf/bear/lion can 1-2 hit a high level tame to death.
    The funniest thing is that wolves and lions agro very close after render distance.

    • Like 1
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  11. the respawn rate of carnivors is simply insane.
    After killing 5 wolves and 3 Lions, losing a bear du to not being able to get a wolf from the bears tail,
    barly being alive, another bunch of wolves respan a minute later.
    It took me hours to get my stuff back into safety grabbing, running, dying, respawn, grabbin running, killing etc...
    until I manged to get some higher ground

    In addition remove wild creature spawn within players structures!


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  12. Hi everyone,

    carnivores seems to be a big issue in general. In some areas you simply can't live as the respawn of agressive carnivorns is insane.
    Please reduce ammount and respawn rate in some areas.
    They heal too fast when they are able to get meat. Please add a heal timeout or reduce healing bei x10.
    My high level wolf (58) got killed by 3 low levles 3,5,13 because after killing one of them the others heal instantly completely.
    Carnivores are insane agressive against hired NPs. They sunk our ship that was ancored.
    Wolves and crocodiles swim abt 30-40 floors to a ship trying to get to NPs damaging the ship ignoring other bait.
    Please remove aggression to NPs at all if they or on a ship or in a house.



  13. the higher spawn rate is welcome to get things started, but the hostile creature spawn in "beginner" outlaw areas is simply insane.
    You cannot farm enough ammunition / arrows to get rid of these hostile creatuers as they alsmost instantly respawn.
    Please reduce the amount and respawn rate of hostile creatures in tropic outlaw (and possibly other) reagions like F7 to make these areas usable.

  14. The current land claim/flag situatiuon is very unpleassant. Everyone can claim your claimed land if your not close to a flag. Flags are not updatetd/reset if you're close to one.
    Some guys claimed part of our land and we cannot reclaim it as recaim counter goes negative.

    One suggestion to resolve this could be adding a cost to remain the territory. You need to supply one flag with "fuel" to maintain a connected territory.
    The fuel should have a dependency of value vs burn time and flag count. If the fuel runs out a countdown starts when the territory can be claimed by another player.

    Flags should have different tears, like thatch, wood and stone, with differen claim influence, burn inventory stacks and reclaim counter duration.

    What do you think?




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