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Posts posted by Aviate

  1. 2 minutes ago, liano said:

    you can level them up much higher now tho, they are tough to kill in the current patch

    No they're not. You shoot them in the face and do as much damage as you do to non-tamed pets, leveling them doesn't magically make them super strong. When a level 50 tiger can die to a level 3 snake, they are NOT strong. They die EASY. The streamers just don't know wtf they are doing and HIT DETECTION in this game sucks BAD.

    • Like 2

  2. - Tames HP and Damage scaling nerfed by about 40%, and Gunshots and Cannons/Explosions damage to tames increased 50%

    I mean, wtf.

    Streamers are charging people to be in their Companies too. This is the type of game Grapeshot supports. One where they aren't making money from it but other people are. But they'll cater to them via patches. They didn't even buy your game! The PvP server is a complete mess because of these guys and the Chinese. YOU ARE RUINING YOUR OWN GAME BY CATERING TO STREAMERS!

    They won't even be playing your game anymore in 2 weeks time! All you are doing is pushing away your playerbase that actually wants this game to succeed, and instead catering to people just trying to make profit from it right now. You want longevity? Stop catering to streamers and their bu||shit requests! 

    • Thanks 3

  3. THey completely shafted bow users, they're trying to streamline everyone into using only Guns I think because they're nerfing the shit out of Tamed creatures too. Basically, whatever the Streamers want, they'll get via a patch, while all the rest of us that actually pay for the game and support it, versus bossing a bunch of people around and doing none of the work.

  4. Tames die fast AF as it is. a 40% Nerf is TOO MUCH! Way too much! I cannot believe these devs are letting STREAMERS, that DO NOTHING but boss their viewers around all while they reap the rewards of the viewer's work, determine this kind of crap. 40% nerf on TOP of taking more damage from bullets. That last bit doesn't effect me but the rest does. If they want to follow through with this nerf it NEEDS to be on PvP ONLY. In PvE this will suck ass and completely ruin all of the solo play I have put effort into. My tames are what I rely on to kill most things because they nerfed the bow so hard already THANKS TO STREAMERS. These same streamers were all crying for them to WIPE the servers the other night, too, just so they could gobble up even more land!

    I had a level 50 tiger die to a frikking level 3 snake the other day, that's how bad tames suck! Just because streamers don't know how to hit their targets, and or the HIT DETECTION IN THE GAME FAILS LIKE USUAL, or they don't know that they can use Grappling Hooks to pull people off tames, and the streamers go into these raids with no form of strategy planned, those of us that don't play PvP have to suffer. These guys have too much of a voice, most of them didn't even pay for your game, and they definitely wouldn't be playing it right now if they had to do all the gathering/working in the game.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Arnesto said:

    I watched some of the fight everyone is referencing. Not picking sides here at all but at one point they had a wolf swimming towards a boat with like 10+ arrows in it and it was being shot with guns and cannons...it turned around and ran off...that seems a bit OP eh?

    I agree they had been unprepared for the ground attack but the mounts seems to have way too many HP's or armor or both.  


    This is a problem with HIT DETECTION, NOT TAMES.

    I can't tell you how many arrows and bullets I waste trying to hit all the tigers and snakes on my island. Countless ones always showing up as sticking in their heads but not actually doing damage. 

    Tames die fast AF as it is. a 40% Nerf is TOO MUCH! Way too much! I cannot believe these devs are letting STREAMERS, that DO NOTHING but boss their viewers around all while they reap the rewards of the viewer's work, determine this kind of crap. 40% nerf on TOP of taking more damage from bullets. That last bit doesn't effect me but the rest does. If they want to follow through with this nerf it NEEDS to be on PvP ONLY. In PvE this will suck ass and completely ruin all of the solo play I have put effort into. My tames are what I rely on to kill most things because they nerfed the bow so hard already THANKS TO STREAMERS. These same streamers were all crying for them to WIPE the servers the other night, too, just so they could gobble up even more land!

    • Thanks 1

  6. Hi, I play on the NA PvE server Hydra's Den.  I was sailing down from M9 to M10 to try go to home for the night and the server disconnected me as I was crossing servers. Since then, every time I try to rejoin it forces me to respawn. I choose my ship but then it just makes me respawn again, I can see my ship seemingly warping into m10 and back to the edge of the border on the respawn map. What can I do? Please help. I do not want to lose my ship, we just finished it tonight >.< And I had just outfitted it with crew.

  7. 41 minutes ago, robjames5 said:

    I started day 1.  So I’m not late. I have land. So not sure that was meant for me. 

    I tried too, unfortunately the game didn't work for me for 2 days. That said, I don't see a wipe necessarily helping unless I can be on right after it happens. All the big companies/streamer companies were all wanting a wipe because they know exactly where to go now for the best stuff they need end game, and they know exactly how to get there fast, and they have the workforce to do it quickly. I play mostly solo, so I honestly don't see it helping me a whole lot outside of just being able to finally build an actual base.

    All of that said, I want the Sea claims gone. I'm sick of getting pop-ups that say crap like "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" whenever I'm trying to go to another region and just passing over water.

  8. I'm a mostly solo player. I just have a hard time trusting people and I do a lot of work in these games. The two friends I usually game with are just.. well, absent a lot anymore, it's whatever. That said, the upcoming Bow Durability and Fire Arrow nerf is like getting kicked twice for the same thing, but different at the same time. I've yet to be able to really utilize the Fire Arrows in PvE (Saps aren't in my region, sadly), but did a SERIOUS sap run to a neighboring region last night to get some so I could try out fire arrows. I understand why you'd want them nerfed in PvP, after some of the videos I've seen(so the 33% nerf I mostly understand, though it feels steep), but for PvE I feel like they would be of great help.

    Now, PvE is where the issue with the durability only being able to withstand 40 arrows is going to become a problem for me. My region is like a Snake/Tiger/Lion spawning ground, I mean these things go at it harder than real life rabbits do, so 40 arrows do not last very long for me. I literally had a spawn of 8 Giant Snakes, 3 Tigers, and 2 Lions swarm to my drydock out of nowhere earlier today. And I don't know anyone who would try kidding themselves into believing that Melee is even an option in a situation like that. I have 3 tigers tamed and I wouldn't even have dared to set them loose into that mess because every single one of them would have died. It takes roughly 40 arrows just to kill 4~5 snakes/tigers/lions without getting headshots, which deal 87 on a snake, and 105 on a tiger (though it's like RNG on one, even straight in the eye doesn't go above like 35). Take out headshots and it's mostly shots dealing 21~35 damage roughly. It sucks! 

    Pistols could be an option, but the skill tree pathing for them is HORRENDOUS, it takes so many points! Now.... maybe that will not be such a big issue come Monday's patch though.. Hmmm..

    Anyways, that's my rant. I just hope you don't keep this nerf, as just based purely on how bow plays now, it feels like it's going to be incredibly difficult to survive in PvE.

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  9. Nice elitist post. A lot of people have jobs and lives to live. Also, even no-lifing this game, as a solo player you won't accomplish hardly anything with the normal rates.

    Next to that I don't know how anyone could be against increased rates. You're in a big group that has no issues gathering resources? GOOD FOR YOU, have a cookie. Unfortunately this game doesn't reward TRUSTING random people and calling it an MMO is almost laughable, sure, there's a ton of people running around, but I imagine a majority of the playerbase is actual solo/small group play. And even in MMOs the only thing that is large group based anymore are raids, so let's not act like MMOs are something that are all about big group play anymore, they aren't. That's why even WoW has Looking for Group queues for Raids now.

  10. The taming rates and gathering rates are atrocious now it feels. I was really beginning to enjoy the game because I was making progress as a (mostly) solo player. My two other friends don't get on as often as I'd like so I'm left doing most of the gathering/taming/building/everything. It took me nearly 20 bolas and 40 Prime meat just to tame a level 5 Tiger earlier today. I'm level 42, I would have hated to seen how long it would've taken me to tame a level 20+. I just want to feel like I'm accomplishing something daily and now I feel like I definitely am not getting much done thanks to the decreased rates. 

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