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Posts posted by Dumb1Bunny

  1. It could work assuming that you have a high enough scale on additional islands.

    For instance you first island is cheap enough that you don't need settlers. But the second should be double the first one and so on. Otherwise there will not be enough islands to go around.

    The original issue with the claim system is that there was effectively no upkeep or it's too easily stealable as we saw when the game first released.

    The solved the stealable aspect but they need to make it so claims are an investment. It had better be so expensive to hold that second island that companies are here on the forums begging for people to come build there.

    Only then will you get people playing nice with taxes and not destroying your stuff.

    I've quit playing long before the wipe and I'll not return until I see those posts I mentioned above.

    Good luck grapeshot

  2. While playing ark official, we had massive piller spam. I started my own unofficial. I still think ark is a good game.

    Atlas is a different beast you cannot run an unofficial server that gives you the whole game experience as each grid is it's own biome. 

    Personally I think that the claim system that had was doomed to get wiped it was not sustainable. I don't know why they don't just copy the pvp system of upkeep with the old small claim system we were using. With the addition of making each flag you have costing more and more upkeep. For example first flag is free, second flag costs normal amounts what ever that should be and the third cost 1.5x what the second cost and the forth is 1.5x the third and on and on. 

    In this setup you would really have to want that 1 more flag as the cost increase is so steep.


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  3. 3 hours ago, CazzT said:

    No.  You're implying they left because of the wipe.  I was correcting that assertion.

    I would go back and read what I wrote in my first post. You'll be shocked and yes you agree with me. The game lost more players before the wipe announcement. Than they have now. This implies that the wipe potentially could bring back more players than it costs. 

    Please do not respond to me about a position I do not hold. 


  4. So your in agreement with me lol

    1 hour ago, CazzT said:

    The majority of the people that left did so before the wipe announcement.  The majority that left did so because of issues that the wipe is fixing.  In other words, a lot of those that left will be back.  As will all the "waaaah im leaving cuz of the  big bad wipe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" crybabies


  5. I love Early Access games, almost every single one wiped in some form or another. I don't remember needing to wipe my ark toon but that is an exception. Look at ea titles like minecraft, factorio, KSP, list too long to go on. 

    Starting over on a game that is in development is the case almost all the time regardless of how much time you put into "that" play through.

    Secondly the game as it stands was a horrible start. I had land. I had tames. I saw tons of people just looking for somewhere to build. The wipe was the only way to fix this. If it was the case that they just wiped the land and everyone needed to respawn somewhere. There would be just as many people complaining how much time was spent as I did defending my land in the beginning. All of that time is lost for me.

    Conclusion: if and it's a big if the new system works better then it's worth the wipe. I quit playing weeks ago due to it feeling more like a job. Me like many others will only return when this changes.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Humera said:

    How would the current changes affect people that are coming home from work or waking up in a few hours? There's still the 3 day inactivity timer that needs to go down plus however long for the declaiming...I don't see why you would mention something that isn't a problem?

    Old flags don't get the 3 day timer...at all. The only reason I have mine is because I sleep there. So yeah I might get off work to no base at all. Guaranteed I am done with the game if I lost everything while I am at work.

  7. Well I am hoping that they are talking about contesting claims vs contesting declaims.

    This sounds right.

    Maybe they just said it poorly?

    The problem I think they are trying g to solve is that a sleeping body should not prevent you from claiming an unclaimed piece of land. The sleeping body should still defend the claimed land

  8. People complain because resources get walled off and what jerks they are. People complain that taxes are taking advantage of other players. 

    Just a note that the taxed areas are never walled off and the land owner is more than happy to point out the rarer resources. 

    I have my taxes high and don't let other people build on my land because I only have about 1 flag of resources and 1 flag for building.

    I was starved for any resources before taxes now I am friendly with everyone that comes by and needs resources.

    Not saying the system is perfect but I think that given the current game, taxes is the better way to go.

    If you got rid of land claims all together everyone would just spam pillers and destroy all the resources.

    Hint: look at lawless grids and the many threads arising from those issues.

  9. Why would anyone let you build on their land if its just the resource tax. That would destroy resource spawns.....

    I understand how the tax bank currently works but why would someone let me destroy their taxable resource spawns for free. Nothing says I even need to farm resources from their land. Is this just a thing people can do to be nice?

    I was under the impression that the player is taxed for the buildings on the land... Like rent. 

  10. Any info on how this works? Does the player pay gold per building item? Do we get a portion of the resources built? Something like a ship resource box?

    Taxe rates, are they per claim? Say I lease a waterfront I'd assume I'd pay more than if I leased a inland claim.

    Any ideas and info would be helpful.

  11. 1 hour ago, Slyce said:

    I don't think the big companies will spam more flags.
    This is also part of the upcoming changes:

    "the time required to steal an enemy claim now decreases the more Claims that enemy team has"

    So the quoted patch note seems mostly to be for PvP, On PvE servers we are supposed to have a 3 day inactive timer(doesn't work still). They are in essence developing 2 games with the PvP and PvE rule sets.

    If the above patch notes are to be believed then  PvP company's would indeed suffer for being too large. On PvE however anybody with a shred of organizational skills could support a massive land claim refreshing every claim every other day or so. So this would solve issues for PvP but not so much on PvE servers, Assuming that they get the 3 day timer working.

  12. I can see the server just fine,  others can connect to it and play on it. The ports are forwarded the same as you have above(I also have a ASUS router 😉 )

    For some strange reason when I try to connect to it, it just times out.

    Config start /high ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?ServerAdminPassword=4321?MaxPlayers=125?ReservedPlayerSlots=25?QueryPort=57561?Port=5761?MultiHome= -log -server -NoBattlEye


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