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Posts posted by MadDog08

  1. Daemon Cross, All you have to do is close your sails, get on the wheel and hold the "S" key.  This will allow your ship to slowly backup.  You can do that on everything except the raft.

  2. We have now lost 4 wolves, 2 cooking pots, and a couple of lockers that was full of weapons and tools that we had just crafted earlier in the day.  All of these items were inside a house, or pen for the wolves, with stone walls.  The animals head comes through the wall and damages the items inside.  This has happened twice while being logged off, and several times while logged in and seeing it happen.

  3. After losing our partially constructed Schooner, and shipyard, to a ghost ship our small three man company started over.  So we completed our Schooner last night, but did not launch it due to a ghost ship hung up on our neighbors shipyard...figuring it was safe while it stayed in the shipyard.  Well we log on earlier today to find a ghost ship destroying our ship and shipyard.  There wasn't much left but we salvaged what we could before the ghost ship destroyed everything.  The whole point of this game it to build ships and sail the seas.  How are we supposed to do this when we can't even get a ship out of the shipyard without it being destroyed?  This is ridiculous!!!!  Now we get to grind through the gathering of resources for a third time, without having launched a single ship!!!!  I know this is EA but come on, building a ship and sailing it is one of the main parts of the game.  The ghost ships are broke, how about taking them out until you have a real fix.  Kinda hard to explore Atlas when all I do is gather resources.

  4. +1

    The new skill points are ridiculous.  I am going down ship construction, which means I pretty much have no points left to put into basic survival.  Did someone just pull the new numbers out of the air and say "looks good to me, send it out".  I would much rather they fix game breaking issues and leave the stuff that isn't broke alone.

  5. You have to sail to another grid, if you are in a Lawless grid, then all islands within that grid are lawless, and you cannot build.  You need to sail to another grid that is not a Freeport, or Lawless, area.  When you sail into a new grid it will tell you on your screen the grid number, and if it is lawless it will say that as well.  You will have to sail a ways to get out of the grid, the map us huge.  It takes a little under 1hr of real time to cross a grid on a raft, with decent wind.  So make sure you have a bed on your raft to respawn when you die while sailing...because you will die.  And best to stop the raft before you die to ensure you spawn back on your raft and not just behind it in the ocean.

  6. Agreed, their are way to many alpha spawns.  Also, there is no need to have an entire island filled with instant aggro animals.  They aggro from, what feel like, half way across the island, and they don't stop.  It is a little ridiculous to have 5 or 6 aggros at once from different creatures that seem to just randomly come from everywhere when you step foot on an island or outside a structure.

    +1 to tone it down a lot

  7. There is a big issue with vultures trying to attack sleeping bodies that log out inside of a structure.  All doors closed, log off, vultures start attacking the house.  For the normal vultures it's not AS big of a deal because they cannot damage wood structures, but we also have an alpha vulture hanging around and it does do damage.  Would hate to log in next time to find that my house is destroyed because the vulture was trying to get me inside.  Really don't feel like rebuilding every time I log into the game.  Nothing should be trying to aggro you if you are logged off inside of a structure.



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