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Posts posted by wHaCkEd

  1. Game crashed after playing sextant mini-game, apparently my character was still on the helm for up to 3minutes after I tried to relog. I randomly died and lost all my gear. These issues need to get addressed. Ridiculous. Yes, we know it's EA but why lose all your gear at a freeport? Lol

  2. I have some suggestions and things that should be looked into fixing sooner than later. I have played this game for 120 hours at this point.

    FPS, it's not really sufficient, it would be great if you could put some time into improving frames. My computer is pretty high end and goes behind the specs of your game but I am only getting 60 frames or slightly less on average.

    Creatures are ridiculous, I played ark and I never had as much trouble with creatures as I have had on Atlas. The hit detection is completely garbage right now. I have to shoot to where they are going, not where they are to get hits even when I see arrows littered on their heads or bodies.

    Creatures need to not be able to noclip into my boat, or stick their head through my boat or building. Dying to crocodiles or Giant snakes when I am in the very center of my boat is honestly bullshit and should change. I can understand if I'm on the ledge, trying to be cute, but when I'm literally "3 stories" above it, it shouldn't be biting me and knocking me off my ship. This was really bad yesterday when they glitched into my lower deck and killed my beds.

    What is the point of full metal armor if crocodiles still four hit me in it? Seems like a waste of materials.

    TLDR Animals are currently in a bad place and need to get fixed, FPS needs a bit of work, preferably before you decide to work on server stabilization. Which honestly, if you could make a second NA realm group for PvP, might honestly solve your problem. A lot of us would like a fresh wipe and that would be a good way to introduce it.

  3. I parked my Schooner after traveling against the wind for 6 hours in a Freeport for the night. Managed to log back in to see my point unharmed as people have been sinking rafts and boats for the past week now. I made sure that I wasn't right insight of the freeport, but anchored just in case there was 80 Ships of the Damned (not sure if they spawn in freeport, but wanted to make sure) nearby. We log on and we're grateful it wasn't destroyed. I fast traveled back to my base in G5 to help a friend build a sloop so he can enjoy the game, within 30 minutes of doing so, someone managed to pull up next to my boat with their own ship, jump onboard, and farm enough stone to sink it.

    I probably spent 3 hours traveling to J10 from G5 on the way to do Treasure maps. Now I've essentially lost all of that time spent and have to create a new ship to go down that way.

    You can leave this enable for PvP servers, but people shouldn't be overencumbering my boat on PvE. Fix this before you lose us all.

    • Like 3

  4. On 12/27/2018 at 1:24 PM, CalebWinters said:

    Care to expand upon this? Are you saying Blue Prints allow you to craft without having corresponding crafting skill? IE, you can find a Cutlass Blue Print, 'learn it' with no Skill Point cost, and then be able to craft it, all without investing in any crafting skill related to metallurgy and making weapons?

    As far as I understand, you would only need tool quality to craft those items, and they would have a limited amount of crafts before you would need a new blue print. I can test this but I have been investing my points in piracy for some interesting testing. I'll take a look tonight.

  5. 3 hours ago, Tiberius_theron said:

    So we're right back to the Devs ignoring the player base AGAIN! Ghost Ships still spawning by the hundreds out to sea. When they need to be an EXTREMELY RARE SPAWN! LESS THAN 1% CHANCE! Skills system still sucks balls also, solo play is dead, small group play is dead. 

    I don't understand this logic. I play solo and I play with a small group of 4 people. Game play isn't dead you just lack patience for an EA game. I do agree that the Ships of the Damned are too large in number even after an apparent 60% spawn rate reduction - but I feel that it's possible that even if they reduced the spawn rate, it didn't actually kill any of the ships already spawned on the server. They definitely have way to many to allow ships without protection to slip through right now.

    On the talent point thing, it's a needed change. Right now, it's too aggressive. Blueprints exist to help combat the need to take certain skills, but without question, I should not have to dump 12 points into archery with 3 talents to unlock fire arrows, a second row talent. They either need to restructure the tree or effectively half the costs of each skill that is above a value of 1 or 2.

  6. 52 minutes ago, RedXStrike said:

    Seriously. Anything that has a storage should have a pin access.

    This game is harsh enough trying to claim land and play solo - but others intentionally loading up your smithy to sink your raft? I don't even understand why that's a thing.

    A simple code on the smithy storage or anything that can have storage solves that.

    Loading up your smithy doesn't matter. They can load up your campfire, load themselves up with a large amount of weight, drop the items directly onto your raft. Or just bring more than three people to stand on your raft. All of these methods will break any boat in the game.

  7. 1 minute ago, rurickjames said:

    Patch notes;

    "PVE Territory can only be claimed if the owner has not been active around the territory within the last 3 days."


    My only claim was stole in less than 11 hours

    I believe it works as intended. Where you perhaps not back on the claim for the last 2 days since the announcement? I have seen several claims around ours with active and unactive users. Active users claims have enough seconds to equal 72 hours while unactive very between 1-3 days.


    12 hours ago, DANGERMOLES said:

    just logged after V7 and back at level one but with the Exp. to go to my level bvut then didnt get all skill points.

    then smithy says it needs 8 points to unlock.

    This is intentional. They wanted skill points to cost more and granted everyone a 'free' respec.

    The cost is considered high but I think it's on the right track, it possibly should be tweaked down by 20-30%.

  9. 3 hours ago, Caduryn said:

    Play PvP if you want steal Claims with EVERYTING on it.

    Stealing WHOLE Bases in minutes is NOT PVE!!

    Doesn't read post, doesn't add anything helpful. I recommend you give advice if you want anything to change. You'll be the person complaining in a few months when there is nothing left for you to claim and therefore can't progress.

  10. I absolutely disagree with the notion that I should not be able to claim your land.

    These changes need to be made before I can agree with anyone stating that:

    1. Create a box or bin that resources are funneled into to maintain a claim, this box will indicate what time is remaining on the claim, and what kind of resources are to be used to maintain it. Similar to a tool cupboard in rust. This way, the game stays economically driven. Players that quit playing or have multiple claims over territory are forced to maintain these areas or they will lose them.
    2. Limit the amount of claims players can have. 2-3 Claims should be the max. I specifically think it should only be one claim per person as mega guilds, or zergs (chinese etc) will dominate the entire map. A clan with 100 people actively playing will be able to take a sizable portion of islands even with only one claim per person.

    Once these conditions are essentially met, then I could agree that I shouldn't be able to steal your claim on PvE.


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