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Posts posted by LORD STEALTH

  1. 12 hours ago, Long Dong Silver said:

    The population decrease was expected or am i the only one to think that?

    Honestly most of the people trying this game the first week had no idea what its about,  95% of the gaming population do not like hardcore full loot MMO's

    The same path as dark and light?   What?   Steal copy written software and pass it off as your own?  Then re release the game 10 years later?

    No your not the only one to expect it. Not sure why folks bash on Atlas as if it's in some exclusive territory.  Every Early Access game I ever played lost about 1/2 their playerbase after the first month.  I'm not surprised nor fearful of what was expected to happen with Atlas.  Pay any attention to EA games and they all go through the same thing, just like other EA games I expect major updates to bring back some with a drop a month after the major update.

    Folks are clearly reacting way too quick to a game barely out of its first month of existence based on many threads created in this forum. Guess folks think content, fixes, etc. all can just be dumped all in one month's time.  This nonsense about Atlas is going to die is so silly!

  2. They definitely need to rethink how this FoY is implemented....last night was absolute aids trying to deal with it. Near impossible lag/rubberbanding, too many players being forced into a ridiculous narrow space (who thought that was a good idea), change happening faster than 50 in-game days, etc.  Why did they decide to have such a thing on the Power Stone Islands?

    I can see the island itself being insane for those who have the greed to chase the stones BUT a forced mechanic like the FoY shouldn't be put in such a place surrounded by such much insanity PvE wise.

  3. 1 minute ago, Znick said:

    Saying "nothing will happen" isn't true. Click on "I" and look at your stats if you're over 90... you have at least a 10% debuff to health, HP regen, stamina and stamina regen... wait a few days and it'll be worse.


    Yeah, they should just give everyone the age reset for now until they completely revamp how to implement this FOY adventure. I don't mind the idea but definitely not the way it's implemented.

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  4. They really didn't think this through enough and it needs to be removed for now and all reset on age automatically for now.  The idea of putting this thing in one place so there's a ton of lag, trolls, then the creatures to fight against makes things nearly impossible for all the time invested just to try to get the thing.

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