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Pineapple Budlet

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Posts posted by Pineapple Budlet

  1. And on this note. After I posted this discussion topic I log back in to an alpha wolf literally destroying my whole base. This happened due to me stepping outside to farm..a wild horse was being chased and they aggro on to me and good bye base.  please please please fix. All my work literally gone in 2 seconds. Unplayable. 


  2. Hey all,

    I am having a really hard time trying to farm and get stuff done around my claim because the island I am on seems to have 20+ wolves in one area. They are right on my beach, through my forest and all through out the back end of my claim. The wild life populations are severely out of control and I am finding myself sitting out multiple day cycles and night cycles because the wolves just won't go away. I cannot fight 3 - 4 wolves at once with one being an alpha wolf lvl 214 when I am only 18..when I can hardly put down one. They hit way to hard, the dps out put is way to high, the aggro range needs to be reduced even so with the beast tame traits that give you less visibility to them. I feel like they still aggro from a mile away. I also have tried other islands and it is the same story with the gators and snakes. I understand the concept of having an elite patrol pack of something because that makes the land feel dangerous but when the lands are just flooded with these types of alphas and predators it makes it hard to do anything at lower levels. Now with all this being said here is what I would look at to change from my opinion.

    1. Reduce population greatly

    2. Look at how and where they are spawning.( I have literally had wolves attack me and spawn in water)

    3. 1 alpha shows in area between the stages of 2-3 day cycles 1- 2 night cycles. ( not predictable though)

    4.  Reduce Damage output and DPS output. This is way to high because I have tested specing into health and I still get put down faster then I can draw a weapon.

    5. How they patrol around the land. I understand of having a pack of a dangerous something roaming around to make the land feel more dangerous but they seem to only patrol and flood beaches. Then the interactions with other animals cause them to run inland and flood inland. There may be bottle necks that need to be looked at I honestly don't know.

    6. Reduced Aggro range. I think this would benefit players not specing into Beast Mastery and the players that are spec'd into it would benefit more with the reduced visibility. Right now both feel broken.

    7. General Wild Life can sometimes halfway walk through and poke there heads through base walls. I have aggro'd wolves while being inside my base from this. Obviously they aren't supposed to do that and being inside is supposed to feel safe and it doesn't at some times.

    I have almost 100 hours played and I am really loving this game and the quick fixes that you guys are putting out. I am sure there have been many posts about this already. I am not a game designer or creator at any level and this is just my opinion. Keep it up dev team you guys are doing an awesome job and I am greatly appreciated to be a part of an amazing game that is still yet to be developed. I am sure that you guys are very much aware of this and it will be worked on at some point.


    Thank you! 🙂 

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