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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. 8 hours ago, globytheoldpirate said:

    Nice ! But some animals are missing 😕
    Excel isn't really intuitive ^^' But that still a nice work 😄 

    Yes I know. It was just for the breedable animals. And especially the Bear, because the rest weren´t that important. But thx :classic_biggrin:

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  2. Hey mates,

    I have made a little calculator with a few missing animal stats. It worked fine so far, but it is in german only. It is just a google doc and nothing great, but for our taming and breeding tries with Bears it worked fine. So if anyone is interested then try this link. I haven´t played since the announcement of the wipe, so if there are any changes to animal stat, I haven´t updated them until the HP changes to Elephants, Giraffes and Bears. Unfortunatly Lions and Wolfs are missing as well, but they weren´t breedable that time.

    Here the link, if you have questions just PM please:



  3. This mechanic is ridiculous... waiting 5 hours to claim land and anyone else running trough to reset is enough? Please change this, that only the claim´s owner can reset it... 5 hours just siting around and cant do anything, but everyone can troll you... what schould that meant to be????🤬😤

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