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Posts posted by kyle_phoenix

  1. IMO battles are nice exept pets. They are really OP. The bear only would be overpowered alone, not even speaking about cannon bears, Swivel bears etc. Tames are too strong. Bears are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too tanky and doing tooo much dmg. Player vs player takes place on top of buildings and hills, where bears can't reach. but you can hide behind a bear, it wont die from some hits.... lawl......

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  2. Swivel with a player will be more OP. lol. don't blame the lame stupid npcs. if you would use NPCs you would not be raided. But atm NPCs are bad and stupid. if you would be able to put ranged on NPCs, and better AI, you could go to school without the fear of beign offline raid. 


    So biggest problem is, that NPCs are bad, stupid, can't use ranged weapons, second: you don't use NPCs.

    And don't tell me, that it would be OP, because you need gold to have NPCs. They would not even OP with a better AI than your skills. They could even change their payment to higher if not on ship.

  3. F..k you developers if there will be any rollback.... 

    now i cant even log back you fk..g ret...ed id...ots. Give me the age 20 and the buff you morons. Fk this crap. i was at the fountain you piece of sh.ts 

  4. 1 hour ago, Adfax said:

    You tried.. It is terrible and unnecessary.. Nobody wants to go looking for a random spawn on a set of islands for their entire existence, please remove this thing that only hinders the game.

    you knew it will come. why the whining? you knew when you bought the game, that it will be a core element. its not polished yet. All they should do, is to spawn the fountain everywhere this time, till they figure out what will be best for all.

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