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Posts posted by atchleyjoe

  1. Yea bear has no problems with crocs or anything else. My all around bear has 1k health and 1500 weight, it's pretty much immune to anything but alphas, and then i just run for water.


    For saddles, almost nothing uses t1 (bulls i think). all the big stuff needs t3, like giraffes, ostriches, rhinos, elephants, most everything else is t2.

  2. It's bear by a landslide. They can get over 2,000 weight or really great health, depending on how you level, they have knockback on their attack (makes it easy to kill multiple wolves/crocs/whatever). Fighting lions still sucks, but they're gonna suck on anything, and you can still win easily if you have a loaded pistol for when you get grabbed. Bears also gain speed while running, so in a straight long distance travel you can really book it. I use my bear for gathering and taming too since you can use hatchets/picks and bolas while on its back. It's pretty much great at everything.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Fieldsweeper said:

    lands worth more than that. lol its pretty limited. 

    Found some last night right before the new patch went up! I hate to steal from people, but I really had no choice. Great location on a big temperate island too!

  4. Looking for a good neighbor and land (single claim would be fine, but I'd prefer two neighboring claim spots) in a tropical/temperate region (no crocs plz). I play solo and do some breeding/crafting, and I'm always available to help out with whatever progression your company is working on (I'd be willing to ally as part of the deal). I don't build as pretty as some, but I don't do ugly box bases either. I can pay in gold/materials, or possibly even a horse. PM me with screens of your proposed location, the map tile, any other info about the server, and what you'd be looking for in return.



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