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Posts posted by Taktotum

  1. From what I understand WildCard had a significant hand in making this game or at least advised. We see the same things that happened on ARK's launch PvE servers occurring now, but instead of wooden pillars beings dropped they are simply textured as claim flags. With no limitations on area control, the game will stagnate almost immediately as greedy groups grab up more land than is reasonable. The game will then slowly decay and push people into private servers, destroying the "MMO" aspect of the game. When new servers get launched there will be a spike in activity for the new land, resulting in the exact same cycle. Its great business for companies that run private servers at least. I guess I'm just disappointed nothing was learned from past experience.

  2. First off, great job stabilizing the servers; Game looks beautiful and is running well, so thanks.

    I'm enjoying the game, but there is a glaring problem, extremely few sources of fresh water. I know we can dig for waterspouts to top off, but it is tedious and never lasts long. In addition, we can't use water spouts to irrigate crops (or fill waterskins?) making creating a home impossible if you don't snatch up a freshwater source, which by now there probably aren't many free ones thanks to mega companies. Rain collecting could be an answer if it ever rained. I've played for 29 hours now (granted a significant portion was battling the rough start of the game) and I've seen it rain once. I imagine the goal was to get people to focus on island hopping, and making water a valued resource fought over in PvP, but as it stands on a PvE server, the fresh water situation makes the grandiose map irrelevant since most of the islands are unlivable, shrinking viable play space to a fraction of what it looks like.

    I really like the game, and building my first ship with a friend was an amazing feeling, but now that we've gotten over that first hurdle, we're basically hitting a wall. I know the devs are up to their eyeballs in salt water (heh) from trying to get the servers working and assisting players with struggles (good job stepping up after the initial fiasco), but when you get around to making in-game changes, I'd really like to see this on the list, at least for PvE servers.

    I don't like pointing out problems without proposed solutions, so if any devs are reading this, I came up with a few vague ideas below.

    • Water purification system (must be in sunlight | byproduct is salt | must be emptied regularly)
    • 'paint' additional water sources on islands, particularly large ones that lack fresh water entirely
    • Craftable wells (game implies a water table with the waterspouts as is, so why not tap into it with a well) that provide large amounts of water that drain/replenish over time
    • Some kind of animal/plant that produces/purifies water (there are already dragons in the game so why not something mystical like that)
    • 'Bear Grylls it' by purifying pirate 'liquid waste'
    • If there actually is fresh water on most islands and folks are as blind as bats, craftable water diviners to help us find it
    • Increase the frequency of rain
    • NPC ports that sell barrels of fresh water for some kind of vaguely rare resource (fish meat *lol* | snake scales cause they can be dangerous)
    • Cut into some of the massive mountains and make caves with underground lakes

    If other players are experiencing something similar please leave a comment to let the devs know its not an isolated thought. If I'm totally off-base and missing something, please let me know! And to any devs actually reading this post, keep calm and sail on, you're doing good and thanks for your hard work.


    Founding member of the East India Trading Co. ~Hydras Den

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