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Posts posted by TGibsonn

  1. I think it'd be an interesting mechanic for claims to have certain upkeep costs (resources or currency). Maybe having a management screen to see the values of each claim. This is more of a city-builder way of handling it (think most large map RTS games), but it might help balance a lot of the issues with mass claiming.

    I've heard mentions that it should be limited per-user, but the company's numbers would make more sense to dictate the claim count (i.e., member, resource, or currency count).

    Please, let me know if I'm missing something regarding the claim requirements in the game. This is just feedback based on limited experience and listening to what others have to say.


    P.S., this could also open doors for automation (earning specific materials with a timer provided a structure or NPC is assigned to it).

  2. 13 hours ago, Stabby said:

    This is ridiculous. It's almost impossible to play with friends because the revive points are, in some cases, 30 minutes travel time to get back to friends. Something needs to be done to revive closer to where we died. You devs realize that most of us are committing suicide dozens of times just to get a closer revive point to our friends?

    I found that people had luck making a tribe/company, inviting each other at a freeport, then making a bed somewhere to spawn at. This may not be a bad idea if you're able to get to the point of making a bed successfully.

    Good luck!

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  3. The game isn't centered around the official servers, which of course the official servers are going to be competitive. This means people are going to claim resources, land, and potentially PVP. That's why there's the option to break away and join smaller servers, or even host your own. 

    There's a lot of gameplay to be had. 

    It's also good to note that this is an early access game, and you can expect there to be balance issues at the start. Come back after some patches and I'm sure you'll find many improvements. 

  4. Try out unofficial for a bit. The gathering, taming, and experience rates can all be changes in the server configuration (though that depends on if you're hosting your own or if someone else is hosting it). It's really not bad. Forewarning: Try to find an unofficial with multiple server clusters or you'll find yourself capped at level 8 and with nowhere to really go.

    The game is a lot of fun when you can move at your own pace. There are multiple ways to play this game. You might eventually find a group that will recruit you on official, and after that, the game becomes more about war and territory claiming. This can be a really fun, RP and combat heavy experience, if that's what you're looking for.

    Good luck!

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