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Captain Scotch

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Posts posted by Captain Scotch

  1. If you punch them they will dismount cannons and jump out of the floor. Not ideal but it works. The big issue I'm having with them is when my crew takes a camp and claims it we should have access to the camp as if we own it or built it. It seems once we actually capture it via the flag a "second camp" appears RIGHT on top of the first blocking access. We are able to destroy boxes for loot sometimes but when we use creative ways to get in it forces us to use less than desirable ways to get out which we do not like doing.  We have been forced to basically just sit out of range and mortar it to rubble. I don't think this is intended.

  2. After reading this entire thread up to this point I tend to agree with Jean. I also started on day one not knowing how the claim system worked and dealing with the freeport lag fest. A few days in i started to figure it out, but by then most land was spoken for. After sailing around for a few more days exploring and just appreciating the game and learning the different systems it offers I stumbled into a conversation with some very nice folks. They offered me a piece of land that had 0 shore line but i was very thankful and figured I would at least have a base of operations to work out of. After building my base place I spotted some shore line near me that If i claimed I could make a shipyard work on it...voila! A few weeks later one of my neighbors decided to go to a private server and offered to merge with my company and therefor gifting me all his lands. Since then I have capped 2 more plots on either side of me. I have grand plans for what I will build now and keep an eye out for more land (with 0% tax because I still think that whole system is bullshit but that's for a different thread). 

    I agree my case is not the norm but its also not the only one of its kind. I'm suggesting first and foremost have fun playing and try to not get frustrated and lose sight of whats fun in the game. Its not a land ownership game. Land will come with time if you are happy and having fun. You will meet good people and good things will happen. If you're always pissed off about X it will come through in your conversations. Who wants the grumpy old man for a neighbor? Beyond that if you can gain a piece of land even if its land-locked, or in a "not so great" server or island, you never know what will come from that. I have faith this claim system will evolve into a version of what it is now and we will all be the better for it. 

    Have fun and my sincerest hopes go with you on finding what it is you're looking for!

    • Thanks 1

  3. I am wondering if anyone knows how to remove the tool tip for ship controls. I find it a bit distracting and at this point unnecessary. I've combed through the options and unless it's labeled something wonky, or I just straight out missed it, this option doesn't seem to exist. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, Daemon Cross said:

    Does it make a difference where you place the sails ?

    what is most common for the Schooner as well ? I’ve heard a large and small speed sail and you’ve got the fastest ship in the game but weight and such will play a part

    I have 2 schooners, 1 has a large speed and a small speed the other a large speed and a small handling. I prefer the later for the better maneuverability. My wife and I have ran them both side by side and as the addition small speed sail does make it go faster in the straight away, as soon as you start turning or in a storm, the handling sail helps to overcome the speed. In a 3 server journey we both arrived to the destination at pretty much the same time, but the double speed sail took more dmg from SoTDs. 

  5. 2 hours ago, uli said:

    not every grid has what’s needed for a bear to get thatch , the answer isn’t go do what i did as i managed , players want to cut down on farming times .

    My Grid doesn't have metal nodes. NONE. Do you know what I do? I get on my ship and go gather and bring it back to my base. Pain in the ass sure, but that's the choice I made when I built where I did. As far as gathering thatch, I grab my elephant, put him on follow and use him as a wagon while I run through a pocket full of pick axes. Get creative and have fun!

    • Like 2

  6. 1 hour ago, Jorm said:

    Well... Cheating is a Way to get Banned. Banned means they need tu Buy another Account. Which means Money...

    Why there are so chilled about Cheating?

    This makes no sense. By your argument they should be banning people left and right. The author is requesting  and suggesting the need for banning. Am I misunderstanding? 

  7. My wife and I were sailing our galleon the other day and I gave her the wheel for her very first time. She has always been reluctant do to the amount of time it took us to build the ship. Wanting to add to our fleet and start running two ships side by side I talked her into getting her feet wet. After about 15 minutes I go in the hull for one thing or another and I hear this God awful crashing sound, I run to the top deck to see us smashing and skittering through a giant rock. "What the hell are you doing?!?!" inappropriately exits my mouth as she looks at me dumb-founded. I glance at her screen and all she has is clear open water. Scared the shit out of me and set her confidence level back a week i think. No damage received. 

  8. Another company in one of my alliances asked me and my wife to merge with them. They seem like great people but you never know. Say we merge, they turn out to have completely different goals than us, and we decide to part ways. With the new rules, my wife and I just gave all lands and titles over to them. I don't see joining another company as an option.

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  9. I've found if you zoom out (-) and then zoom in (+) it is easy to focus on where you are and see your X. Hope this helps


    EDIT: What I'd like to know is how the heck do you get the ship control tool tip to go away in the top left corner when you grab a ships wheel?.

  10. I haven't tried it yet but after reading this post I think I will. I have found it easy to live with the debuff. It seems as long as you maintain your vitamin buff it balances out for the most part. I didn't run for it when it first dropped because I wasn't in the mood to deal with 100 ppl all storming the beaches of "X" island. I'm sure now it's calmed down enough to at least experience it and see what all the hubub is about.

  11. I am tired of seeing posts about no land. Get creative. LITERALLY last week my wife and I sailed one server North to look for metal as there is none on our home island. When we got there I noticed TONS of great tamable species I wanted. I spent 5 minutes running the shore until I saw a rock in the ocean I could plant a flag on. We dropped a few pillars and voila, aggro island outpost was up. I'll bet 10,000 gold you tell me a server and Ill stake a claim. 

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  12. On 2/4/2019 at 10:35 AM, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    They are already going to be implementing a 3 week window for abandoned ships to disappear. Hopefully coming this week.

    I appreciate this, but I have one company who sailed 3 rafts into my harbor which is only 1 claim, as it is just me and my wife. They are taking up a lot of space we could really use. They have no intention of moving them as they have been there since the beginning of January. I do not believe they are going to disappear because the company set up shop on the other side of my inlet. They are still active but refuse to answer any of my pleas for them to move them (there is a definite language barrier/ play time difference). As i understand it, due to the fact they still log on and play in the same server, these will not ever go away.

  13. 3 hours ago, iamwater kebab said:

    how much do you get paid?!^^

    im stuck more than a week now on a server and cant rejoin. a week not a single reply. 

    this is by far the worst game ever published and with all the great patches to come its gomma be amazing

    i hope you have fun wasting your intire life in this shit

    Maybe create a new character? It's  not rocket science man, you have options.

  14. My wife and I duo in this game and have our two man Co. We just finished our Galleon a week ago and started on our castle. Spent days planning (obviously not sitting at a drafting table, even we're not that rediculous) just bouncing ideas off one another. Its about 30x40 and we're half way up the large gate with our walls. We WERE going all the way to the top and capping our towers in a Taj Mahal style. Yeah, that shit aint happening. There is no way the two of us can produce enough resources to see our dream thru. We have 0 metal nodes on our island and it is a large island we share with many companies. You (grapeshot) just took alot of fun from us. We don't even know what to do with it now. REVERT.

    • Like 3

  15. 1 hour ago, Smokey Bones said:

    For anyone who feels like there’s no land to claim, I have hope for you!  I’ve been grinding discoveries and I’ve found claimable land in all biomes.  There’s companies that own land that have gone inactive and seemingly great locations that just need an active company.  My advice: spawn at multiple Freeport’s, build sloops, sail with the purpose of unlocking discoveries and you find your home outside of lawless land.  Good luck!

    This is fact. Look around, ask around and quit being lazy. When I had to sail for my land on day 1 it took HOURS until I could'nt see the freeport island i started on due to rubber banding. I persisted and it  paid off. Since then Ive witnessed numerous occasions of land being gifted to friendly folks who didnt mind having a good neighbor.

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