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Posts posted by DocStrangeFruit

  1. I know nothing about private servers, would it be possible for a few answers to some questions please.

    1.How many map squares could a single server for max of 10 players run.

    2. What is a server cluster?

    3. If I wanted to host a 4x4 I.e 16 squares I'm assuming, how many servers from say Nitrado would I require?

    4. Can i select what map squares are used so I can have a mix of biomes?

    Kind regards


  2. So the devs claim the game is 1200 times bigger than ARK but from I have seen 90+% of the map is water. 

    Does anyone have an idea of the total land mass as it seems very small to house 40k players. 

    It seems some island chains are also dupes of others at different angles? 

  3. They announced the update at the top of in-game screen every 15 minutes for around 4 hours before the update.

    Not sure how you missed it as for the rest of us it was so big it blocked out a 1/3 of the screen. 

  4. I know this is an early access game and I accept that there will be issues and bugs but this game is a pile of garbage.

    The lag and rubber banding is making the game impossible to play, its 1 step forward and six back, you cant craft now due to the lag, combat is a joke as you hit a creature, it show sin jury then its no injured due to the lag and rubber banding.

    The graphics are no better than those of ARK and to be honest the little I have managed to see so far they appear far worse in some aspects.

    The mass amount of players on PvE servers sleeping is a major issue with the lag I feel and I cannot see one god damn reason why the sleeping is required when they are aiming for such a huge amount of players.

    This game might be ok in 1 few years time but at the moment this game is not worth even attempting to play due to the serious gameplay issues.


    Developers should have waited until this pile of shite was a. stable. b. playable instead of caving into player pressure to release it in such a shoddy condition.



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