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Posts posted by Bleurgh

  1. 4 hours ago, EyeXombie said:

    Not anything major but lamps should be able to be repaired in inventory. I have street lights made with the lamps so it sucks that you have to take it all the way back to the smithy just to reoil them and then take them back to their hooks. Would be nice to just be able to oil them on the spot. I understand making them on the smithy but you don't need a smithy to put oil in a lamp. lol

    Funnily enough I bet the devs read and action this request, ahead of fixing PvE claim flags, weighted ship sinking, predator issues, and a whole bunch of other griefing issues.

    This lamp thing will be in the next patch guaranteed, you heard it hear first 😂😂😂😂

    • Like 1

  2. To the OP, join a private server. If you dm me I'll message the one we found which is well run. Its relatively small 6x6 grid, but the infrastructure supporting it is top spec and the admins are super active and very communicative. They've done sensible things like toned down the damage the wild mobs do, not enough to make it boring, but just enough that you don't get ass raped on every beach. And a bunch of other life comfort tweaks.

    This was the only way we got to experience this game properly, and actually there is a lot of fun to be had. But not on officials they are utter cancer and we gave up a few weeks back. Strangely PvE official is even worse than the PvP official (we have tried both), which is normally the other way round. Atlas PvE official in its current iteration is aids cancer. And that's the worst kind.

  3. Hi all,

    Firstly happy new year to you all, I hope 2019 is a good one for you.

    Now I've read a lot on here about buoys and how they are pure aids, stopping resources from respawning, being used to glitch/hack and take people's claims, etc.. 

     Please forgive the noob question, but what is their intended game purpose? I can't seem to find much info on that, just on how game breakingly bad they are.

    Thanks for the help


  4. Sad to say jennyan, but if it wasn't the borked ship of the damned, then you were probably griefed by someone. 

    There is the worst, totally broken mechanic I have ever seen in any PvE game - you can sink anyone's ship by overloading it with weight. Because you can still move even when you are totally over encumbered (really GS...really!!!!!), griefers are just loading themselves up with weight and then creeping into people's boats, overloading them till they sink.

    We've had two ships sank this way. The second time the dude was just looking at us laughing, but because it's a PvE server we couldn't even kill him 😂😂

    We've given up on official for now.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Winter Thorne said:

    If this is what they think, they're crazy.  Using a broken game mechanic is not "being a pirate".    It's being an ass.

    The mechanic is either broken or so poorly designed my cat could have done better.  If you can't retaliate against another player, you shouldn't have a mechanic (broken or otherwise) that lets you sink someone's ship.  In PvE, the competition against other players needs to be economic and social, not physical.


    "It's being an ass."

    Yup - and there's a lot of this going on official EU PvE at the moment, hence we've given up for now.

    • Like 2

  6. Sadly this is probably exactly as they want it to be. The ultimate 'pirate' experience. If you are a mega douche, you win. 

    We've had boats sunk, claims nicked, we have just given up for now.

    Shame because the whole pirate ark thing really appealed to us, but ironically the pirate part is a little too realistic with the constant griefing 😨

  7. No one is going to help you dude sadly. PvE in the game as it is, is a griefers paradise. There are so many opportunities to f*** someone over in the current way things are playing. The saddest part is I am pretty sure this is how they intend it to be.

    I am part of a small company. We have lost two bases now and several ships to griefers. And all on a supposed PvE server . We have abandoned the official for now 😭

  8. Quick question guys, is the lag still game breaking at the Freeport's or has that settled down a bit? On launch I was in one and I haven't been back since cos of how bad it was. I am starting again tonight and just wanted to know before I select my starting location.

    Thanks pirates 😀

  9. Really wildcard (ahem grapeshot I mean...), really!!

    I mean the vitamin thing is a nice idea, but to have to always eat four different food sources is not always practical, especially for new players getting started. Not all the islands have vegetables freely growing for example.

    But still overall it is a system that has merit - but don't you think you've ratcheted it up a notch too far. I mean vitamin deficiency is bad and all, but I last i checked a vitamin A deficiency doesn't lead to el teriblé squits, followed by insta-death...

    Come on now, perhaps just a debuf for not eating your veggies might be ok. Just a thought?

  10. That is baloney and should not be on PvE. PvE means exactly that - the environment (mobs, and other game stuff) are all you have to worry about, not other players...

    What you describe is the worst of both worlds - someone can steal your base, and you can't fight them off - just watch whilst they do it...

    That cannot be how this intended to work!

    • Like 1

  11. How does this work - seems I can't claim in the starter areas (which is understandable and fine), but I have been to two islands so far and neither would let me claim some territory. As a result it says my foundations and house are going to degrade much faster as I have built in 'unclaimed' territory.

    Anyone have any ideas or experience here?

    Cheers all.


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