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Posts posted by ReaperZeX

  1. How do you guys feel about dying at lvl 8(capped noob zone) going out for 4 hours to find an island and getting auto attacked by level 35 with guns?

     Maybe capping noob zone to level 8 is more punishment to people who are trying to start out and level elsewhere into an auto death after sailing all day. Then you have to spend a new day getting all your matts back and sailing again hoping not to have the same encounter..

  2. 6 minutes ago, Revenant said:

    Oh, yeah.  That'll get you.  Good news is weight uogrades increase the amount you can have in your ship, and also decrease the effect weight has at the same time.

    I didn't know having less than max by almost 100lbs would be almost incapacitating though i think that might be an issue ingame since 800/900 pretty much made it almost useless


    WITH the wind in my favor that time 😞

  3. 39 minutes ago, Revenant said:

    I love it, personally.  There's a trick to moving against the wind that still allows you to maintain decent speed, just need to tack back and forth.  Remember that your sails move separately from the body of your ship.  It's actually fairly realistic, and I like that skillful sailing can get you out of serious jams if you're better at it than your opponent.

    So what happened to me is the ships weight cap is 900LBS, i had 812 and it was pretty much not moving almost at all i had to drop 100LBS to about 700 and it started moving fast >.>... 2 hours in almost the same spot 😞

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