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Posts posted by Alevia

  1. The same happened to me. What I did to fix it was, I overlapped my claims, and that helped put the claim at 1. in your claim area, find a spot you can place your own flag. This will fix it. in your case, you'd need 9-10 new flag claims. Sea claims don't count. Redoing your flags will either keep the count as it was or increase the negative number. I don't recommend redoing any of the flags. 

  2. We need Offline protection as we did in Ark. Since wild animals spawn in bases or glitch through walls, it is rough to invest time and energy into taming animals just to get them killed while you're offline. I have my tames on Attacking target and they do not seem to defend themselves very well. A lvl 5 snake should not be able to kill lvl 35+ post tamed animals without any effort... Please, this is a feature that should have come along with the early access game. 

    My tames were on the roof, and the only way to access it is through an elevator. 


    My log when I logged in. ALL my tames were single handily killed by a lvl 6 snake lol... this is ridiculous. 



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  3. When I first started, I was informed it was 1 flag was tribemate. I thought ok, that's cool. I have 3 tribemates, so my limit would be 3 flags. But then found out it's more and I'm like oh.... this is trouble lol. Then, I went out to another region below me to farm metal, and I receive the notification that my territory has been stolen... well, that's a bummer. Had only been out of the region for 3 hours.

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