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Posts posted by Boredaholic

  1. 1 minute ago, Percieval said:

    Forums are for the players, do you want to see some kind of system in which you can discuss also with the devs on the forums rather than other players? 

    If not then wtf is the point of discussing anything game related?


    I guess on that note, hows everyone's holidays going?

  2. Just now, Percieval said:

    Yes, definitely. But you can also understand they want to fix all the connection issues first.. making it playable for everyone first before going into stage 2? 

    We’re still only 1 week going from what seems to be a 2 year process.. 


    Jat stated that the communication has been shit in the past, now he is tweeting a lot, but nothing about the issues stated on the forums (apart from the ghost ships). If he would just post something that they will be working on claims/GS/sink bugs at that time, or what week.. but nothing like that. 



    Understandably the connection issues have been very much more reliable. However, yes they still have issues. But why connect to something when you're just going to log off and delete the game? So many people have already lol. Can they not focus on more than just connection issues?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    Yes, but I still see a difference between complaints and bitching. These are the discussion forums, if you want something changed you tell them why and what you would change it in, then people can either agree or disagree. But there have been people out here purely speculating, telling the game is shit because they ‘think so’ etc. I’m not saying you guys do that btw. 

    We can "discuss" it all we want. Show us where a player based discussion regarding atlas has actually changed anything? Not being a dick. Just asking for confirmation that what you're suggesting actually has an effect. 

  4. Well first off... yes its EA. Woo hoo congrats we play an EA game. Doesnt mean it should have been released as a broken game. Excuses excuses.

    Second, yes they have improved the game greatly. We all know and fully understand that. Good job to the devs.

    Third, yes they have been working on it. However in order to keep the player base maybe look at what needs to be tweaked regarding the game itself instead of events.

    Fourth, its EA. Yes. We get that. Everyone "defending" the current game state keeps throwing that out there like it's a trump all card. That's amusing.

    Fifth, we get on the forums and complain about mechanics of the game that are highly frustrating and broken due to, oh wait if you look at the majority of the forums, most of the players are not enjoying the game. Thousands have asked for refunds, thousands more cant get refunds anymore and even thousands more cant get anywhere in game.


    I enjoy the game and the idea of the game. Some of the mechanics are far from release ready. They totally fucked the skill tree mechanic and this is coming from a player who's logged over 100 hours, has a company of 20+, claimed land, weapons for defense. My company is well established, but the game still needs some major tweaks hence why I'm still on the forums. Look around guys. How many topics do you see saying how AWESOME the game is right now lol. Seriously... link them. Please I'd love to read them.

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  5. I would play, and have on one, unofficial servers but the fact that you have to pay out the ass in order to have a decent sized grid is ridiculous. My family started out own ark cluster for xbox and pc because we enjoy the game. If it were financially acceptable to have our own atlas cluster we would do this game as well.  But, that's not anything possible unless someone in the family gets a job just to pay for the servers lol.


    I applaud the people getting unofficial clusters set up, but it's just to expensive to do for most of us and with the amount of updates coming out and how fast they come out is it even worth it right now having to constantly reboot the cluster?


    If anyone has info on a cheaper, but still reliable hosting company or any information on personally owned clusters and how to get it set up please let me know. Official servers are toxic.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Realist said:

    No no no. You misunderstood me. I am saying the mods on the ark forums were hyper active, not non-active.

    as in they are night and day. I knew people that were nothing like me and nice all the time and still got banned on the ark forum.

    that is why I said that maybe they did learn this one lesson. Tons of people were telling jat how bad their mods were. You should have seen it. Even people that liked ark were getting banned for arguing with the mods. It was ridiculous 

    Lol. well i just hope the dev's start focusing their attention to the game mechanics that are causing their player base to dwindle... the ship decay and skill tree's as well as land claiming are the 3 biggest issues. But yet they haven't seem to do anything regarding it other than make the skill tree even more fucked. It's cool. I started out playing a lot, now i play less and less every day. Head of my company... great group of people. Game's pretty broken still and very frustrating. We've claimed land, built our harbor up, built our base up, gated it off and we still have predators spawning inside of our base area, which mind you is fairly big, but we have a decent sized building and other stuff going on. The "awesome" predator spawns keeps killing our wolf tames and we keep going back to square 1 with that. Then doing much outside of the island has been non existent with the whole SotD issue.

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  7. Pretty sure you're screwed. Sorry buddy... 😞

    Unless you have people in your company, possibly someone else who has "admin" powers. If you do then they can just invite you back. Otherwise there really is nothing you can do

  8. Just now, Realist said:

    I am glad to see the mods not be total sjw’s like the mods on the ark forum 😂

    dude the censorship was so bad there. They would constantly talk crap to people that had a differing opinion and once they argued back they either got a ban. Like it was nazi Germany over there in a big way.

    at least wildcard learned that one lesson at least. There were so many people complaining about the mods on the ark forums 😂

    Oh, the mods didn't do anything here either. I guess the only thing they could have done, which they still might considering i've been calling them out on a few threads now, is ban me. So. If i randomly drop off the face of the earth you'll know they haven't learned anything new lol. They should really enforce their own rules though... what's the point of having them or even being a moderator if all your going to do is tell people to "take it private or in game"? I mean, i get giving out warnings... but... just telling them to take it private or in game is no fix, and the professionalism of the moderators here is beyond nonexistent.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Realist said:

    They don’t listen on here. They don’t wven come here. They haven’t even put mods here. They made this as a venting ground for people that are mad about the game so they can let off steam.

    they are however seeing the stuff on Twitter since all replies give them notifications. If they read them or not is unknown but you will get a lot more results on Twitter.

    just saying 

    Oh there are mods here. I've argued with 2 of them for a while about them actually enforcing their own rules for the forums. Their answer's to people bashing other people, which is against the rules, was to take it to private messaging or take it in game. Because you know that fixes the problem right? I even copy/pasted the rules straight from their Rules post to the thread i was in for the mod and told them to please read their FIRST RULE. Yeah. mods on the forums are damn near pointless when it comes to either decent information, resolving trash talking trolls, or anything game related. All they do is tell people to take it private or in game for the most part.

    OH ALSO they told me that the raft is either "arguably the fastest or the actual fastest" ship in the game. Who would agree with that? I'm actually very curious.

  10. Can we get some information on when it'll be updated next? I'm mid lvl 20's with a crew of 20+ all around the same level and we have to skill specific into different areas. So when someone's offline who needs to be online in order to further our progression... it's impossible. I cant even craft tools or armor. in order to survive other players and what not i had to spec completely into weapons and artillery. This is a bit extreme. Can we make the basic tools at least something we don't have to "learn"? Or rework the skill tree entirely, yet again. OR maybe even go back to how it was originally? Even with a company it's still difficult to complete tasks as people do have lives and don't live on the game.


    Thoughts from anyone else?

  11. Just now, Percieval said:

    I believe you’re quoting the wrong guy, since the only thing close to racist I said was that the chinese started duping. 

    i believe you need to learn how to read. Please RE-read my post before making yourself look even more like a troll.

  12. 7 hours ago, Percieval said:

    You want to fight a ghost ship with a sloop? Be my guest. As far as I’m concerned they are easily dealt with if you have a ship that can actually take one down. 

    Rarely? I’m sorry if constructive stuff bothers you, but all I do here is either give my opinion/concerns, discuss with people about it and give any ideas regarding stuff spoken about in threads. 

    Constructive stuff is actually constructive buddy. Not demeaning and down putting. I mean, have at it the mods here aren't going to do shit about your shit talking so keep going buddy. It's just like all the companies in game that have their nazi names or racist names and run around and do nothing but spout out racist banter. Can't do anything about it. It's cool lol. I don't care anymore. The 2 mods i've dealt with so far are a joke. I'll just continue to report bugs and problems as i find them for the game itself's sake. I'm sure i'll be seeing you around talking more trash. Cya

  13. My comment was in regards to loading into a zone and instantly being within a swarm of them. It's happened to TONS of people. Regardless of what you're on. I'm not saying my company hasn't avoided SoD. We've done it quite well. I'm just spouting out questions in regards to new players trying to leave freeports. Because as soon as you're out of the freeport zone, you're fair game for everything.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Eli said:

    Rafts have the second lowest SoD aggro range right next to dinghys, and have one of the highest, if not the undisputed highest, sailing speed among ships. These factors should more than easily allow for a player on a raft to evade these perils.

    um... the sailing speed... is that a completely empty ship with 1 person who doesn't have anything on them? or is that fully weighted down trying to get your resources to an island where you're trying to build up outside of the freeport? 

  15. 1 minute ago, Eli said:

    So does this mean you believe that the mature thing to do is to derail a thread by kicking up a fuss over what you yourself admitted to be a "slight" disturbance?

    It is a non-issue. His post in this thread is a non-issue. Move on and either ignore the user, discuss something relevant to the topic, or just stop perusing a thread with a user you dislike.

    As to the OP, Ships of the Damned are still being monitored for balance changes. Unfortunately that's one of the things that can easily slip past QA because well, knowledge and experience can easily blind a person with bias. We all in testing end up having knowledge about how the myriad creatures and enemies work so what ends up easy to us due to experience could end up being a difficult battle for those that have yet to encounter them.

    I'm pursuing the thread due to the comments from moderators now.

    The answer's I've seen from all of the moderators regarding banter have all been "Take it private or deal with it in game".

    1.) How is that a professional answer?

    2.) How is that a professional way to go about it?

    3.) How does that fix anything?

    4.) See below for ON TOPIC discussion.


    if you want me to contribute to the topic and your last paragraph by all means i will.


    Ships of the Damned attacking rafts are going to DESTROY any sort of new players trying to explore on rafts to find somewhere. Rafts can't hold a ton of weight. They should not be targeted by ships of the damned ESPECIALLY considering there are still so many instances of loading into a zone while sailing that you load directly into a swarm of them. Rafts have enough to deal with running from whales. Why make it even harder on new players trying to get somewhere in the game?

    On a side note, i enjoy the game. The professionalism from the moderators on here is beyond not anywhere to be seen though. Good luck guys.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Eli said:

    If you report a member's post, any disciplinary action taken affects the User.

    As for this specific user in mind, there is nothing disrespectful nor harassing about saying "maybe because it's a sloop". While it's true that it does downplay what damage that type of ship can dish out, it in no way disrespects anyone.

    His specific post in this thread is very much a very "slight" disturbance compared to some of his previous conversations and from what i've seen while digging around there's no "report user" option. It's literally just a report post. He's got hundreds of posts i'm not going to waste my time to get a troll kicked off of some forums that the moderator's cant seem to do much on. Good luck guys. Very disappointing.

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  17. Lol nevermind JERRYN. I just went through and looked at your previous posts. You don't do much at all on the forums. The most you seem to do is just ask people to take it to direct message or "in game". because you know... that fixes problems. What a moderator you are. Good job buddy. Smh.

    • Like 2

  18. Just now, Jerryn said:

    If you think someone is violating the rules, then use the Report feature and the moderation staff can review, and take action if necessary.


    You're a moderator. You're aware of the situation... ????

    Also by all means, if there's a way to report a member and not just his post... please, inform us.

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