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Posts posted by Kalizaar

  1. A list would be nice.

    It's possible they're still working out which settings they feel are ready to interact with Atlas. Something that does one thing in Ark might have a different effect in Atlas. Last thing they want is another batch of people complaining things are broken because they tried to use some random config setting that suddenly turned all chickens into WW2 tanks. Maybe the devkit will help us out tonight. Or next week. Or...

  2. I'm running a server from home and this happened after I messed around with my config files. I've figured out what was happening and hopefully this will help those that are still struggling.

    In each of your server's GameUserSettings.ini file you need 2 lines:



    Obviously, change the port number above to whatever ports you've forwarded for the seamless port.

    Basically in my case I forgot to inclucde those 2 lines and it stopped sending the map data to the client.

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  3. Thanks a ton for putting this together! 

    For the Export JSON files step. The Export on my Island Editor has Export: Just Map Image like your instructions, and I'm assuming your Export -> Local Export is the same as my "Local Export All" option. When I do that I end up with 3 files: ServerGrid.jpg, ServerGrid.json, and ServerGridSmall.json. I don't see the ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json file you mention. Am I supposed to rename the ServerGridSmall.json to that?

  4. If they had started with the skills this way I wonder if everyone would have been fine with it. It just would have been what it is and we wouldn't have known better.

    Also, do we know for sure level 51 is the max level? Yes, your character says max 51 right now, but has anyone reached 51 AND explored all the islands, found all the discoveries, etc yet?

    Regardless I think this was too big a change. Even if this was how it was intended to be, they should have eased us towards it. We're testing. Don't make huge changes in tests and expect players to be all happy about it.

  5. When the streamers were playing the day before Steam release they had both treasure maps and were seeing a bunch of flotsam. I'm guessing the Devs were purposely spawning them in for the streamers to experience. We've spent many hours sailing through servers and haven't seen anything yet. That's with those skills that increase the flotsam viewing range too.

    So maybe the Devs have those features turned off for now. I imagine there are a ton of things we saw in the trailers that are GOING to be in the game, but are currently turned off or not available.

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