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Posts posted by Ferron_Arrumekan

  1. 1 minute ago, Nightstrasza said:

    They spawn inside only if having floors on the ground, if the pen is above ground or water in air then they won't spawn there. What happened is propably thy animals put their heads thro walls allowing that alpha to bite it to death. Make it higher we guess.

    (Also nice draco avatar)

    Tis one of my commissions. Thanks! That's the idea we had though, to just raise everything up by 1 wall height. Am gonna do that as soon as I get the ship back to base. Am gonna have to go collect multiple tons of stone and wood though.. Oh boy. Gonna be a busy night

    • Like 1

  2. Just now, Tezcatlipoca said:

    Iam not sure if they spawn inside or just glitching through the wall. But my pen is always attacked by hostile wildlife, becaus the want to get inside. There must be also a bug in their targeting, because there is no line of sight. 


    I can not understand why the wildlife is causing so much trouble here. These are all problems that did not exist in Ark or at least were resolved. They just had to copy the content and change the skins.

    Indeed. Am about to completely change my pen for a third time. Am gonna leave it built in the water, but am going to raise my stilts so the pen is equal with my house. That honestly should resolve 99% of my problems, unless they can spawn inside of this pen of course. Raising everything up 1 wall height should mean that no wild life can touch any of my tames. Fingers crossed

  3. 2019-01-18_00-20-05.png?width=384&height


    This is honestly stupid. My new crew member, Glyph, logged in to see that in the company log. Apparently, either A. Alpha wolf spawned INSIDE of our pen that is built OVER THE WATER, by the way, on ceiling tiles and pillars, fully closed in with stone walls and a behemoth gate or B. The alpha wolf was attacking things THROUGH the stone wall. Not entirely sure which is which. Glyph said all of our tames were piled into 1 corner, so.. No idea what happened. All I know is it needs to be fixed either through an update - basically making it to where wild things and tamed things can't hit things through walls or B. Wild things can't spawn within say.. 2 building blocks, so like 2 foundations, of a player owned structure. Something. This is the second time this has happened now. We didn't loose any big tames, thankfully. It's still annoying though

  4. https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas/status/1085920164787380225

    There ya go.  All servers are currently down. Am hoping they pop back up soon. Just started taming a lv 28 elephant for a trade. Pretty sure I'm logging in dead with all of my gear gone, given how long it's been already.

    Side note, a little warning next time would be nice! Even if it was 60 seconds. Would have given me enough time to get back to my ship. Haha

  5. 9 hours ago, Vertoxis said:

    Gonna start this off with ... man that sucks, sorry for ya..... I think the animal spawning is still a bit wonky, but for future reference.... this may help (or it may not.. the game is buggy)

    Did your pen have any foundations inside of it??

    Like Ark (pillars) certain structures do not stop the spawning of resources/animals .....

    in Atlas, it seems Gateways alone will not stop the spawning of animals (Gates can also be placed outside of claims) 

    It seems to me that two conditions need to be met to stop the spawning

    - a claim flag

    - foundations 

    it seems that foundations WITHIN a claim flag (cant place them outside of one) have a radius to stop spawns, since we have built a 3rd structure in our gate-walls.... wilds have completely stopped spawning inside (up until that, with only 1 structure, we had 1-3 wild bulls in our gates, then 2 ... it went down to 1 bull at a given time..... now we have had 0 for 20 hours) 

    if you have a stretch of area in your pen without a foundation.. try placing one

    Again sorry man

    Aye, I had the entire pen built on foundations, multiple in fact, since we live on a slope. And at the front of the taming pen is a large gate. We own a large chunk of territory and had the structure built right next to our base. It would appear that.. It doesn't quite work like that, at least not on our island. I do appreciate the help though. I think I was told how to get things to stop spawning. Involves a ship yard and building to the sea bed.. A pain in the ass but it means that tames will be safe. Just have to get the resources together to pull that build off, though am really wanting to just wait for them to do some form of patch to fix this issue.

    I also chuckled at the guy trying to taunt me who posted after you "Oh look, someone else who needs to GIT GUD on here crying". Uhm.. What's the point of taunting someone on here? There is a problem with the game, I am pointing it out. Am I upset? Yes. That just set our taming service back by a huge margin, since we are a grand total of a 3 man crew. Those tames took us over 10 hours to get. That's what I'm upset about ; the time sink.

    Anyway, I do appreciate you trying to help mate. I just don't quite think it works like that. A claim flag is right next to our holding pen, along with foundations and a behemoth gate. Something is wonky and repairs are required. *nodnod*

  6. So, my mate and I were out on our galleon.. All day. Like 16 hours out at sea. We have a holding pen for our tames. Pin coded. Nice and secure. Sadly, it's not fully enclosed. Elephants are stored on the top of it. That being said, everything is set to passive, that way if a lion starts attacking the structure, all of the stuff on the roof doesn't just.. Run off and potentially (most likely) die.


    With that information, we just got back.. Opened our taming pen and! All of our tames are gone. They all apparently died because a F***ING LEVEL 4 WOLF SPAWNED INSIDE. INSIDE!!!! OF THE PEN! Seriously! What the f***! That was over 10 hours of work taming stuff. Gone. Done. Down the drain. Most of those tames were for other people on the island! Seriously! Grapeshot Studios. Wildcard Studios. Whoever the f*** you are. FIX. YOUR. GAME. THINGS SHOULD NOT SPAWN WITHIN X meters of a player structure, like in Ark. FFS! And my work week starts today, so I won't be able to do anything for the island until my next set of off days. This is absolutely absurd.


    OH! And 1 other thing! We are on a PvE server. Don't have a PvP oriented mindset, plus the degree of griefing in PvP.. NO thanks. It's already bad enough in PvE. With that in mind, we nuked a lv 25 SotD with our newly built galleon. We started hunting them to gain levels on the ship, loot, ect. We kill the lv 25. Took us over 10 minutes because of the ship wiggling, fog and the agro range being super low. I had to almost touch the ship before it agro'd, which I'm not complaining about! I like their agro range being small. Makes it easier to get the galleon through things safely. ANYWAY! We kill the ship once we actually got it agro on us. Took less than 2 minutes and 30 ish large cannonballs. Cool. We see the loot in the water. I stop the ship as fast as I can. My mate jumps into the water and goes after it. Then, some ***hole comes in and steals the loot box before we can get to it. There is literally nothing that could have been done. At all. Grapeshot, Studio, whoever. Please, for the love of god, add a TIMER to SotD loot boxes, so that whoever did the most damage on the ship gets a chance to get to the loot and look at it so some p**** in a boat that actually turns around can't come in and steal it from us. We are a 2 man crew. 2. Manning a galleon. That was a rough battle for us, just to have some guy with his shiny little brig come in and steal the loot from us. A TIMER would fix that, and I'm not talking about some 30 second timer before it becomes open to public looting. It has to be at least 5 minutes long. Galleons don't slow quickly. They don't turn quickly. Getting to the box can be a challenge in of itself. Seriously.

    Grapeshot, my mate and I love your game. We've logged almost 200 hours onto it since launch. We run a taming service, own a large chunk of land and are a part of an alliance full of active players that love your game. Even with its faults (and trust me, there is a lot), it's an amazing game. I love a lot of the mechanics, love the difficulty, ect ect.. But seriously? Aggressive mobs spawning INSIDE of the holding pen I painstakingly built to keep my tames safe? And other players able to loot my SotD kills? That's just stupid. The taming system is already kind of messed up and your breeding system for this game is... Cancerous. Loosing all of our tames because some lv 4 wolf spawned in our stuff? That shouldn't be a thing. If I left them outside, then I can get it.

    Again, please fix this. This is something that we shouldn't have to worry about. We were having a great day. Full of adventure. We found like 18 discovery points today, made some new friends, got some new elephants (that I am not terrified to loose).. Just to have our loot taken and our previously thought safe tames slain. 😕

    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, Whiskey Tempest said:

    Oops... words are hard, pre-caffeine.

    Maybe teperature was at play? Egg incubation in Ark it was a big deal, but I don't recall it being a factor in new borns/hatchlings.  

    Doubtful. Temperature was super comfy the entire time


    • Thanks 1

  8. 3 minutes ago, Whiskey Tempest said:

    - Rallying Cry, perhaps or is that mounted only?

    - what about the Medicine skill tree?

    Sadly not specced into the medicine skill tree. I tried out the medkits and they are.. Not really that good, plus it says that they can only be used on other players

    As for rallying cry, you can only use it while on the helm on a boat >.<

    3 minutes ago, Whiskey Tempest said:




  9. 4 minutes ago, Caveat said:

    This used to happen in Ark at times as well.  If I remember correctly, it had something to do with the food stat being too low or something like that.  Out of curiosity, what level was the baby?


    Edit: Sometimes server lag caused animals not to eat as well.

    Baby popped out at level 32. Shame that it died. Had pretty solid base stats. Was really wanting to see what it would do with imprinting. Imprinting was available every 8 hours, the gestation period was 4 hours and the breeding interval is 1 day, 12 hours


    Edit : It was eating. It's eating just was NOT keeping up with it. It reached 3.5% maturation, then started working normally.. Then 10 minutes later, it stopped working properly and it died. 😕

  10. So it seems as the breeding system works, and the baby system works.. BUT, we are running into a MASSIVE road block. We bred a baby bear and we're sitting here, with 3 different types of food in it's inventory... It's health is dropping faster than it is going up. Like, unless I force feed it, IT WILL DIE. I understand how the breeding system in Ark works. The baby would stay at stupidly low health that would gradually increase as it matures. This is not happening. The bear WILL DIE if I don't force feed it meat.

    What the hell is wrong with this? Am I doing something wrong? Again, I know it's hp is supposed to be stupid low. When it popped out, it had like.. I dunno, 15-20 hp, somewhere in that range. It keeps dropping down to 5, then starts dipping into 4. That's when I start force feeding it to keep it from dying. I have no idea what's going wrong with this. This is more needy than an actual baby. Wtf.

  11. Just now, Loni said:

    it indeed works like that. It goes like this:

    Green: 2 resource items of the same type (leather and fur)

    Blue: 3 resources (leather, fur and hide)

    Purple: 4 resources

    And always what the basic crafting recipe is, but 2, 3 or 4x

    I think there is even one more rarity above. but I havent found one yet.

    Hmm... Alright. Well, thanks you two for the information! Looks like I'm taking a trip

  12. 14 hours ago, Kavik said:

    For example you get a bp that required 2x 26 metal you need 2 different types of metal so 26 copper and 26 silver 

    Hmm.. Well, that's frustrating.. I'll do that and see if it works. Thanks mate

  13. So my mates and I have been doing quite a few treasure maps.. And we keep getting green BPs for gear.. Yet none of us can craft it. We are all lv 40+ and have a lot of the crafting perks, so we should be able to craft it.. But we can't.

    Before you ask, yes, we made sure to put the BPs in the right crafting benches. Yes, we have all the supplies required to craft them. The only "quality" gear we can craft is stuff with small % bonuses labeled as "common", but anything "fine" (green quality) and up, we can't craft. Not sure why. Again, I have all of the crafting skills for armor, weapons and tools. Can't craft any of them though.

  14. 2 hours ago, Hasnofear said:

    I had the same deal happen. Logged in and everything that was in water near our base GONE! If the dev team doesn't compensate somehow then we're out. GG Atlas.

    Ouch... That really sucks >.< I'm hoping that doesn't happen to us.. I also watched some videos of some Atlas naval battles... Unless we can figure out how to hire NPCs to man things, there is no way our little group of 4 can command a boat larger than a schoop or whatever.. The one just beneath a brig. They lost their brig and they had like.. 5 or 6 dedicated fully skilled out repairers, like 20 cannon men and several people on the sails.. They got wrecked

  15. Well, quick update. We just lost our Schooner. We were on an island, getting items to repair the boat for the treck home and a random ghost ship just wanders up on our boat, which is unmanned by the way, and just.. Sinks it. It's gone. Thankfully, we can spawn back at home but.. Now we have.. No boat to get around the island, at least not right now.. Wow.. That.. They really need to change this.. AFK for an hour? Bye bye boat. Go to sleep for the night? Bye bye boat when you log on in the morning. This is stupid. Seriously. Honestly, take away ghost ship agro unless you agro them first. We had to work for 6 or whatever hours to get this damn boat, just to have some dumb NPC nuke it down because we were collecting resources on a SPAWNER island (lawless zone).

  16. 2 minutes ago, jaeha said:

    Nice video :classic_wink:

    Exactly too many ghost ships .  Near our island, 6 ghostShips including 3/4 Red lvl24. We couldn't leave the island with our Schooner

    I love the difficulty but this is too much, we haven't made any cannons because very little iron on the island...

    Am sorry to hear that but thank you for the compliment! Shame about the ghost ships.. They definitely need to be made more rare.. It's insane. We have no cannons on our Schooner because all of our resources are going towards our Galleon. That and because of the A7 skill update, no one is specced into artillery and I don't want to have to spec into that specifically.. It's so expensive.

  17. Okay! For starters! Treasure maps! Awesome. Amazing experience. Decent loot from the 4 we've done so far... Here's a video I made talking about them and showing how to find them once you have the map. 



    Secondly! My god. The ghost ships. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. It's TERRIFYING. They are VERY aggressive and kind of hard to avoid.. BECAUSE SO MANY OF THEM SPAWN. I saw literally 5 of them on my screen at 1 time. We nearly lost our Schooner. Had to go back to a lawless region to get enough supplies to TRY and make it to our base in A4. This is insane. The spawn rate of ghost ships NEEDS to be nerfed BADLY. Either that or reduce our damage. We are a small group of only 4. It took us a long time to build our Schooner, about 6 hours of constant material farming. We haven't been able to branch into the cannons yet because of the A7 point screw up. I can understand them wanting to make the game harder. Trust me. I get that, but for small groups like us, this update just made a HUGE mountain for us to climb. I hope they do something to compensate for that later down the line. I am LOVING this update but also hating it because of how many ghost ships are spawning.


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