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Dread Pirate Jackle

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Posts posted by Dread Pirate Jackle

  1. Has there been any update to this issue? Played on server this weekend and found the sharks floating in the GA area (around the mythical island) along with crabs and mermaids. 100's of them. Trying a wild dino wipe but wasn't sure on official word. Can't find much current on Blackwood. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Beautiful game guys, keep up the good work. 

  2. On 1/20/2019 at 5:46 PM, JC67 said:

    1. Make predators move around more so they dont corps camp you as much. Maybe predators of different species could fight to.

    2. The tool sickle could have a bit larger area of effect.

    3. Make ghostships not aggro ships that have no gun or crew on them.

    4. Crew should work for food and take a percentage of the loot instead. When they get high level (skilled) they can take gold as payment.

    5. Have cyclones spawn randomly in a zone with stormy weather and not ontop of you. Make them more dangerous but avoidable. Not all storms need to generate cyclones

    6. 1 player 1 claim. So much claimed land that is not used.

    7. Snow in cold weather insted of rain. 

    Would a wood and stone wall topper be possible as well? Thinking razorwire to keep out the climbing trolls at harbors? They have to destroy it before they can climb in.

    Even a 1 player to 10 claims wouldn't be bad. As a company grows in size it can grow in it's properties. 

    -My 2 Cents-

  3. Totally agree. Aging could be removed completely and the fountain remain as a temporary buff as well, say for 1 weeks real time. Claim system is nice for those that can't play often as is but is rediculous that 3 people can take over an entire island. Give everyone 10 claims world wide. 1 claim is enough for 1 person to setup a life and if you're sleeping there it can't be stolen as long as you aren't killed. If a big company has 50 people then they get 500 claims across the globe. Seems to equate that way to adequate representation. 

    -My 2 cents worth-

  4. After spending 2 hours trying to lag sail across H6 last night only to have the server bump me within 100' of offshore due to server limit caps to the outside I6 barrier was super discouraging. The server was overloaded because people were camping the fountain to grief others. Although not unexpected as it's PVP it's a broken system to funnel everyone who's character is mid 90's to one area at once. My suggestion to fix: make the fountain a buff for an account that lasts 1 week of good stat boosting. Maybe boost stats you can't by normal points. Either way abandon the aging and death dynamic completely. 

    End Rant!

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