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Posts posted by Ryokin

  1. So fire arrows usually have a tiny flame shot into something that will catch fire. They are not how ever something that causes a giant inferno that kills even lvl 250+ alphas let alone a lvl 40+ player in full plate down in seconds. Just remove them until you fix it cause this is so unbalanced. I can shoot someone in full plate and it take 3 to 4 hits with slow reload times with flint lock or carbine opposed to someone spam firing fire arrows. You made bows break so now all i see is someone running around with 10 bows and 100+ fire arrows that kill me in full plate instantly. Maybe fire resistances? When  a carbine only does 13 damage to plate and a fire arrow almost instant kills someone in plate that is a problem. 

    The other issue is we have this Chinese Company in D5 we have been fighting for 4 days straight none stop. They use every exploit there is and all they use is fire arrows you dont even have to be a good aim like pistols to hit people just light the ground on fire and hope the lag makes them run in it. Dsg is still using the mortar glitch to fire like 7 shots with 1 shell. The pvp is so unbalanced. We have skilled players killing them by the 100s but with the ability to build while your being contested took us 19 hours to finally destroy the beds and the sleeping players they had completely honey combed in the building. (multi accounts for sleepers)Demolishing walls to make more walls within. I hope you guys read this devs and figure this out cause we have 100s of players quitting everyday. 

    The fix now is completely leave this lag infested Chinese server in NA PvP to restart somewhere else away from them hoping they do not spread to the next zone we go to. i would like region locks NA players NA server EU players EU server Chinese Players are not even allowed to play this type of game so banning there region all together cause there hacking vpn just to play the game which breaks there actual country laws.  Or maybe just make them a Chinese server and block them from NA EU.

    I love this game and have almost 200 hours played on it but I am getting to the point cause these issues that I do not have fun getting killed by fire arrows all day by laggy Chinese players

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