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Joe Bro

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Posts posted by Joe Bro

  1. 31 minutes ago, Spiritwind said:

    All of us got it on day one.  We have one member that is a trucker, so he can only be on once every couple of days.  He was unfortunate to miss the mass flow there.  Has been trying every time he has gotten on since then to get it, and hasn't been able to.  We've all gone and tried getting in with him, with no luck.  Seems that after the lag fest, you get almost instakilled when trying to get inside the cave.  

    Yeah exactly, they need to nerf the enemies or lower the amount of enemies that spawn or something..

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  2. 9 hours ago, kolonelu said:

    The Fountain of Youth.......never seen such bullshit, such stupid thing in a game, i bet 100 euros, i say devs looking at us how silly we are trying to get inside, killing instant by ciclops, lions, bats, and otehr stupid creatures, they laugh and make bets who will take the fountain, who die first, btw how to escape when lions catch with mouth? i try various buttons, but no succes, only death

    so much humiliation never seen i a game, and stupid people say is only hard game, but i want to tell u stupids, when u hard work 10-12 hours per day, play a game to relax, not to be humiliated running naked 3-4 hours to enter in a stupid cave, i bet they laugh looking at us .......... 



    Yes exactly how I feel man, I work 9 hours a day 6 days a week, and I come home to relax and play games, not to deal with stupid shit like this, so I'm with you I'm either not gonna play the game anymore till the devs get smart and not make things so damn difficult for us people who have a life, or I'm just not gonna worry about my age as long as it don't effect the way my character acts.

  3. The Fountain of Youth is a fucking joke.... why make it so damn difficult to get to, you pretty much have to have a lot of people in your crew and you all go there at the same time, well guess what me and my buddy have a life and we are the only 2 in our crew because we don't have time to manage a big ass crew, so we can't even do it with just us because there are so many damn creatures that kill you.

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