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Everything posted by y0himba

  1. Hello. Enjoying the game! We don't do alliances in the game, so I would like to suggest the ability to exclude specific companies or possibly even specific players from taxation. Thanks again for the game, I have already gotten my money's worth!
  2. I would like to see a constructible 'Binnacle" for the ship. A Binnacle is a ship's compass, located in front of the wheel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binnacle Loving the game, thank you for so much fun!
  3. We experienced the same. Started with one off our port bow we we steered wide of, then suddenly there were two more, and another spawn in front of us, for a total of four firing on an unarmed schooner in PVE. The aggro range seems to be fairly large as well. Thank you for an already fun game, I have already gotten my money worth.
  4. Hello! Love the game, even through the rough launch. I have already gotten my money's worth! I have a suggestion. Please limit the number of flags that can be placed per company, or the amount of area that can be claimed in PVE. Currently, there are trolls running around claiming everything they can with unlimited flags, huge swaths of area leaving many folks with nowhere to go. It is causing unrest and hate, making the game toxic in PVE. People and companies are spamming flags everywhere, taking multiple islands, and the contest system is failing. Again, thanks for the amazing work.
  5. Hello. I would like to suggest a time on sunken vessels to allow other companies to loot them. Right now is seems the only sunken craft you can loot are ones owned by your company. If there were a timer, then others could dive on them and benefit from the loot.
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