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Posts posted by tomspayne75

  1. Spent most of the weekend trying to get into servers, like everyone else. Finally get in this afternoon! Spend most of the day with a few of my buddies learning the game. Realizing we're stranded if we start on a Lawless server fighting high level creatures with no spawn points, we brave the servers again to get into a Freeport. With a bit of perseverance, success! The four of us gather supplies to get our raft up and running so we can go lay claims on land on distant islands. Took us most of the evening/night to finally set sail. After realizing we can't claim land in the adjacent lawless area, my crew mates head off to bed but I'm determined and nocturnal... I kept sailing and found land we can claim land in... but we were not the first crew to settle the area.

    I know this game is pvp, but I didn't realize how little protection you actually have when sailing alone with offline crewmates on your raft. As I was exploring the island for decent land to claim, I get jumped by another crew. Killed, looted... Not long after, they find my raft, kill and loot my sleeping crewmates, bre the bed on it, and start stealing our ship. So... all that progress was lost. Wtf..?

    Now I have to spawn hours away with literally nothing. A boat two tiles away and in the process of being stolen, no land claimed, no beds to spawn in. Damn. What if I had settled land and went afk? Can someone rush in and break our spawn points and kill us then? Was I one step shy of keeping my crew safe? I'd like to know how unforgiving this game is. Seems pretty unfair for people flying solo or in smaller groups. Might be convinced to play on PVE instead if that's the case, unless I can find a huge well established crew to sail with..

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