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Posts posted by leniejame48

  1. I tried playing this game during it's initial launch fiasco and obviously that didn't go well, I'm sure the game is in a much better spot now. If I were to jump in fresh, what can I expect?

    Also some other questions:

    When this game was first coming out I recall there was a lot of discussion playing on the main servers versus private ones. Some people were afraid this would split up the population, etc. What ever ended up happening with that? Where do most people play? https://omegle.onl/

    Are there any more wipes due for the game in the future?

    Is there any kind of protection for your stuff when you're offline and not playing? Like in a similar game I used to play, Life is Feudal, the stuff you bank on land you own is safe when you're not playing. But there were designated times for example when people could make declarations against you and your land/items.

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