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Posts posted by Baldoras

  1. @ Sturmberg World Bank,

    The point is the DEV's keep stating that they are developing more of the PVP content, and pushing the game in that direction. Frankly I'm tired of PVP games where you have to have no life, or join a huge group in order to get ahead within the game. Many of us players prefer the PVE environment because it is more relaxed and we have lives outside of the gaming world. We would prefer to not have to worry about all of our hard work either destroyed or stolen 20 - 30 minutes after we have logged out. The point is PVE and single player are way more enjoyable and relaxing.

    I love the game mechanics, graphics, and game play. If the DEV's to insist on making changes and moving more towards the PVP only area, and neglect the other 2/3rds of the community they are going to run off the majority of their supporters. There are already other Pirate PVP games out on the market, let them keep the market. Develop the PVE and single player portion and rule the pirate genre. 

    I want to play with friends and enjoy the challenges of the world at hand, while NOT having to worry about others take what they have not earned

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