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Posts posted by Mournukes

  1. 56 minutes ago, Princess Sugar said:

    When Season 4 began, we were hesitant to return but hopeful at the promises of new changes and active Devs. For the first few weeks we were really impressed! It felt like a completely different game compared to the horrors of Season 1. We reached out to old friends and were able to pull back many who had completely written off the game and everyone was having a lot of fun. We were encouraged by the Devs transparency and action with dealing with cheaters and exploiters, the balance improvements, the quality of life improvements with the farming grind... Atlas finally seemed to be becoming the game we had all initially hoped for.

    Then... you brought back barrels and literally killed the game overnight.

    The game transformed from a thriving sea based PvP game with engaging ship battles, into an endless assault of barrel bombs everywhere you look.  No one wants to bring their ships out to sea anymore. What's the point if they can be deck cleared by a single barrage? With less and less action on the seas, the only way for anyone to get some PvP was to try and land raid, which after a few days becomes a discouraging pain in the ass. Pretty much everyone has now quit and you can see from your player stats that nearly every grid is empty. Sad to say you blew it with barrel bombs and I'm not sure many will be willing to give Atlas another chance considering you didn't listen to your community when they begged you to revert the changes. 

    I still hope that Atlas can become something great, it has bones to be amazing but time and time again your community has spoken loudly that they are seeking more action on the seas and until barrels are removed or balanced better, that will not happen.

    exactly this
    GET RID OF BARRELS, WE DO NOT WANT THEM...........period

    47 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:



    There is no other way to put it. Fucking take them out of the game. Whatever dev has this "grande vision" for this game is fucking blind.

    whoever the dev was that decided to put barrels back into the game should be put in a gibbet

    what an idiot

    • Like 1

  2. We didn't want barrels in season one

    We sure as hell don't want them now! 

    What the hell were y'all smoking?

    Ship pvp is dead

    Having an island is pointless. 

    You ban people for racism yet allow Chinese to cheat. I have over 4 thousand hours played. I absolutely loved this game. Now, I only log on twice a day to repair my stuff in Freeport....


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