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Posts posted by ElBeavis

  1. With the new farming system, there's less incentive to go out and swing one's pickax.  This greatly contributed to maintaining a balanced diet, as it tired your character out quickly and helped drain the various vitamins (so you could fill them up in a reasonable manner).  Swimming and dancing also contribute, but not as significantly as swinging an ax. 

    Additionally, many people bypass this mechanic by committing suicide (like eating feces or rotten meat).  Some in PVE point weapons at each other, as well.  This contradicts the game's survival intent and is crosses into moral dilemma territory... not something we really want younger players of the game to experience or think is okay.  Moralities and issues of suicide aside, is this something game developers are willing to take on? 

    Possible solutions include allowing building (ships or bases), dancing, swimming, and fishing for flotsam to contribute more to vitamin drain so players can maintain a diet without resorting to more unsavory tactics....


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