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Posts posted by KhToxic

  1. Gold right now is almost useless, the only use it has is to buy crew npcs, which is not necesary if you have a big company or crew, the game should add things that can be bought for gold, such as pre built structures as an example, like bars, weapon stores or that stuff, so players can buy those in their territory and buy from those shops, other gold usages could be markets, this option is common in games like WoW, create an economy inside atlas in which players can buy/sell from other players, buy materials with gold, whatevrr, but please give it some uses, right now is not worh to do treasure maps if you can only buy npcs and dyes.

  2. I send Atlas to my friend in Paraguay as a christmas gift, as I said she lives in Paraguay, but she isn't able to download the game because it says "Restricted in your country" which is weird because I bought her ark and she was able to play it too, how can she solve this?

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