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Posts posted by Shysti2c

  1. Its not a bug dude its either the devs abusing power or giving privilege to other players that abuse it. I also went into zone E free ports and have came accross moded players. For example I just spawned in at E6 or around that area at theĀ freeport. I died twice and noticed a foundation in the mesh soon after I looked at ships to nitice a sloop that had the same owner and another schoonr with only a sub on it wonder why. Then as I made a sloop. I noticed a level 1 following me around and jumped on my ship everytime I kicked him off he kept jumping right back on with no ladder or anything to climb on with. Then I parked next to them and noticed 2 brigs just popped up out of nowhere. I walked over and one of the guys from the brig starts hitting me and connecting. They where some how making another random ship waste cannon balls firing at nothing in the water. After the guy hit me 2 times I rekt him with all hands another guy spawns in right next to us and starts punching me as soon as I kill the guy in no company I started to smash him with sidesteps when I got him to half health its like they turned the mod off and everything was untouchable again the brigs dissappeared as did the sub schooner and then I got trolled in chat by 13 company members from the area. This game is trash I'm really into survival games but this is by far the worst crossplay ever and it needs to be fixed asap before the game dies before it even gets a chance make a xbox, ps4, crossplay, and pc only lobbies will fix most of this. But the way its going they will lose more then they gain because of either abusive devs or pc mod software. Im sending the clips I recorded of this abuse to xbox live. I hope they ban this company and the players in the video from playing and making or even putting another game on a microsoft platform again. This needs to be addressed if I catch another one of these fake as gamers again. I'm literally going to attempt to sue after I track down the Ip im going to slap someone with a sappeeona and see them in fedaral court like Adam Mudd. Pos devs waste of fukin money to get abused by trash devs that break policy code and leave broken cedex for friends to exploit customers they will never get another dime from me.

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